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Efficient water allocation strategy to overcoming water inequity crisis for sustainability of agricultural land: a case of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s00477-020-01903-z
Ahsan Maqbool , Muhammad Adnan Ashraf , Abdul Khaliq , Wang Hui , Muhammad Saeed

The inequity of water allocation in the Indus Basin by the rotational method has created conflicts of interest leading to water scarcity for irrigated agricultural land. The arid region of the basin is affected the most, which demands a new inventive way of managing water resources. Geo-informatics maps of the Bahawalnagar canal circle were prepared which show groundwater quality and depth to water table (DWT) for 2006 and 2016, crop evapotranspiration (ETc) by using product MOD16A2 for Kharif (April to September) 2017 and Rabi (October to March) 2017–18 cropping season. Results showed that groundwater quality is deteriorating and DWT is rising over 72% of the study area which leads to waterlogging and salinization. Surface water deficit filled through groundwater contribution is 53.66% and 39%, while ETc varies from 0.0 to 931 and 0.0 to 1979 mm/season for the Rabi and Kharif cropping seasons respectively. This paper presents the status of water balance and groundwater characteristics of the arid region of the Indus basin and recommends re-evaluation of the current water allocation system both within and between canal command areas, recommending that water allocation should be allocated as per crop water requirement and groundwater quality. A re-allocation of water-based on groundwater characteristics will not only mitigate waterlogging and soil salinity, which is a threat to the sustainability of agricultural land but also reduces the stress of inequities within the current rotational system. Implementation of this water allocation strategy will require long-lasting monitoring of groundwater quality at a different depth, a variation of depth to the water table, and estimation of crop evapotranspiration.



旋转法在印度河流域的水分配不均造成了利益冲突,导致灌溉农田的水短缺。流域的干旱地区受到的影响最大,这需要一种新颖的管理水资源的新方法。绘制了Bahawalnagar运河圈的地理信息图,其中显示了使用产品MOD16A2(适用于2017年4月至9月的Kharif)和Rabi(10月)的2006年和2016年的地下水质量和地下水位(DWT),作物蒸散量(ET c)。至3月)2017–18种植季节。结果表明,地下水质量正在恶化,DWT上升了研究区域的72%以上,这导致了涝渍和盐碱化。地下水贡献的地表水赤字分别为53.66%和39%,而ETCRabi和Kharif的种植季节分别从0.0到931毫米/季变化到0.0到1979毫米/季。本文介绍了印度河流域干旱区的水平衡状况和地下水特征,并建议对运河指挥区域内和之间的现行水分配系统进行重新评估,建议应根据作物需水量分配水量和地下水质量。根据地下水特征重新分配水源,不仅可以缓解涝灾和土壤盐碱化,这对耕地的可持续性构成威胁,而且可以减轻当前轮作系统内不平等的压力。实施这项水分配策略将需要对不同深度的地下水质量进行长期监测,
