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The BepiColombo–Mio Magnetometer en Route to Mercury
Space Science Reviews ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11214-020-00754-y
W. Baumjohann , A. Matsuoka , Y. Narita , W. Magnes , D. Heyner , K.-H. Glassmeier , R. Nakamura , D. Fischer , F. Plaschke , M. Volwerk , T. L. Zhang , H.-U. Auster , I. Richter , A. Balogh , C. M. Carr , M. Dougherty , T. S. Horbury , H. Tsunakawa , M. Matsushima , M. Shinohara , H. Shibuya , T. Nakagawa , M. Hoshino , Y. Tanaka , B. J. Anderson , C. T. Russell , U. Motschmann , F. Takahashi , A. Fujimoto

The fluxgate magnetometer MGF on board the Mio spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission is introduced with its science targets, instrument design, calibration report, and scientific expectations. The MGF instrument consists of two tri-axial fluxgate magnetometers. Both sensors are mounted on a 4.8-m long mast to measure the magnetic field around Mercury at distances from near surface (initial peri-center altitude is 590 km) to 6 planetary radii (11640 km). The two sensors of MGF are operated in a fully redundant way, each with its own electronics, data processing and power supply units. The MGF instrument samples the magnetic field at a rate of up to 128 Hz to reveal rapidly-evolving magnetospheric dynamics, among them magnetic reconnection causing substorm-like disturbances, field-aligned currents, and ultra-low-frequency waves. The high time resolution of MGF is also helpful to study solar wind processes (through measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field) in the inner heliosphere. The MGF instrument firmly corroborates measurements of its companion, the MPO magnetometer, by performing multi-point observations to determine the planetary internal field at higher multi-pole orders and to separate temporal fluctuations from spatial variations.


前往水星的 BepiColombo–Mio 磁力计

BepiColombo 任务的 Mio 航天器上的磁通门磁力计 MGF 介绍了其科学目标、仪器设计、校准报告和科学预期。MGF 仪器由两个三轴磁通门磁力计组成。两个传感器都安装在 4.8 米长的桅杆上,以测量水星周围距离近地表(初始中心高度为 590 公里)到 6 个行星半径(11640 公里)的磁场。MGF 的两个传感器以完全冗余的方式运行,每个传感器都有自己的电子设备、数据处理和电源单元。MGF 仪器以高达 128 Hz 的频率对磁场进行采样,以揭示快速发展的磁层动力学,其中包括磁重联引起的亚暴扰动、场对齐电流和超低频波。MGF 的高时间分辨率也有助于研究内日光层的太阳风过程(通过行星际磁场的测量)。MGF 仪器通过执行多点观测来确定更高多极级的行星内部场并将时间波动与空间变化分开,从而有力地证实了其伴侣 MPO 磁力计的测量结果。