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Lightweight FRC infill wall: in-plane and out-of-plane loading tests
Materials and Structures ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1617/s11527-020-01569-7
Adriano Reggia , Alessandro Morbi , Marco Preti , Giovanni A. Plizzari

The continued interest in technological innovation in construction has greatly broadened the horizons of material science, developing a specific sector closely related to the recycling of waste products. This paper examines the thermal, mechanical and structural behaviour of an insulating light weight fibre reinforced concrete (ILWFRC), which is made by replacing natural sand and gravel with artificial aggregates resulting from the process of glass recycling. ILWFRC offers low density (approximately 650 kg/m3), excellent thermal characteristics (thermal conductivity 0.1 W/mK), a compressive strength similar to brick masonry (3.5 MPa) with low cement content (265 kg/m3) and stable post-cracking behaviour. The mechanical and physical properties of ILWFRC were employed for the construction of a full-scale infill wall (having dimensions of 2.9 × 2.6 × 0.2 m), which was experimentally studied under in-plane and out-of-plane actions. In-plane response showed a maximum lateral load of 359 kN at 1.5% drift, with a residual capacity of more than 75% at 4% drift. The subsequent out-of-plane test was performed up to failure with a maximum lateral load of 67 kN, corresponding to about 7 times the infill self-weight.


轻质 FRC 填充墙:平面内和平面外加载测试

对建筑技术创新的持续兴趣极大地拓宽了材料科学的视野,发展了与废品回收密切相关的特定部门。本文研究了绝缘轻质纤维增强混凝土 (ILWFRC) 的热、机械和结构性能,该混凝土是通过用玻璃回收过程中产生的人造骨料代替天然砂和砾石制成的。ILWFRC 提供低密度(约 650 kg/m3)、优异的热特性(导热系数 0.1 W/mK)、与砖砌体相似的抗压强度 (3.5 MPa) 和低水泥含量 (265 kg/m3) 和稳定的后开裂行为。ILWFRC 的机械和物理特性用于建造全尺寸填充墙(尺寸为 2.9 × 2. 6 × 0.2 m),在平面内和平面外作用下进行了实验研究。面内响应显示在 1.5% 漂移时的最大横向载荷为 359 kN,在 4% 漂移时剩余容量超过 75%。随后的平面外测试一直进行到最大横向载荷为 67 kN,相当于填充物自重的 7 倍。