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Timing and order of different insecticide classes drive control of Drosophila suzukii; a modeling approach
Journal of Pest Science ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01292-w
Serhan Mermer , Ferdinand Pfab , Gabriella Tait , Rufus Isaacs , Philip D. Fanning , Steven Van Timmeren , Gregory M. Loeb , Stephen P. Hesler , Ashfaq A. Sial , Jamal H. Hunter , Harit Kaur Bal , Francis Drummond , Elissa Ballman , Judith Collins , Lan Xue , Duo Jiang , Vaughn M. Walton

The spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is an invasive pest causing significant damage to soft skinned fruits. Control of D. suzukii is critical since there is no tolerance for infested fruit in the market. While most insecticides control one or more D. suzukii life-stages (e.g., egg, larvae, and adult), the impact of insecticides that are toxic to immature stages is unclear on the subsequent generation of a field population. Insecticides were applied at field recommended rates on cherries and blueberries in the laboratory to determine immature D. suzukii mortality. Spinetoram, cyantraniliprole, malathion, methomyl, spinosad, and phosmet resulted in relatively high mortality of all immature life stages. Zeta-cypermethrin, cyclaniliprole, and fenpropathrin resulted in lower mortality of egg and all larval instars. Malathion was also applied to lowbush blueberries with different fruit sizes (small, medium, and large) in the laboratory and there was no statistical difference in mortality rates depending on fruit sizes. Mortality data from the laboratory experiments were used to parameterize a refined D. suzukii population model. The model revealed that the timing and order of different insecticide classes are important to control D. suzukii population. Model runs that included early applications of more effective insecticides resulted in high immature mortality and greater reduction of D. suzukii populations compared to treatments applied later.



斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii Matsumura是一种侵害性害虫,会对软皮水果造成严重损害。铃木蝇的控制至关重要,因为市场上对受侵染的水果没有耐受力。尽管大多数杀虫剂控制着一个或多个铃木蝇的生命阶段(例如卵,幼虫和成虫),但对未成熟阶段有毒的杀虫剂对田间种群的后代影响尚不清楚。在实验室中,按照野外推荐的剂量对樱桃和蓝莓使用杀虫剂,以测定未成熟的铃木D. suzukii死亡。Spinetoram,cyantraniliprole,malathion,灭多威,斯诺达和磷化氢导致所有未成熟阶段的死亡率较高。Zeta-氯氰菊酯,环己腈和苯丙酸菊酯可降低鸡蛋和所有幼虫期的死亡率。马拉硫磷还被用于实验室中不同水果大小(小,中和大)的低丛蓝莓,死亡率因水果大小而异。来自实验室实验的死亡率数据用于参数化精制的铃木D.种群模型。该模型表明,不同杀虫剂类别的时机和顺序对于控制铃木D.至关重要人口。与较晚应用的处理相比,包括较早应用更有效的杀虫剂的模型运行导致未成熟死亡率高,铃木D.种群减少更多。
