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High-Resolution Modeling of Semidiurnal Internal Tidal Waves in the Laptev Sea in the Ice-Free Period: Their Dynamics and Energetics
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001433820050047
B. A. Kagan , A. A. Timofeev

Abstract The QUODDY-4 three-dimensional finite-element hydrostatic model has been used to reproduce the spatial distributions of dynamic and energetic characteristics of the internal tidal waves (ITWs) of the Laptev Sea in the ice-free period. It has been shown that one distinctive feature of ITW amplitudes at the pycnocline depth is that the area with relatively high ITW amplitudes is limited. The peak amplitudes reaching at least 5 m have been detected only in the central part of the sea near the continental slope, but the ITW amplitudes in the western and eastern parts of the sea do not exceed 0.2 and 0.1 m, respectively. Like ITW amplitudes, the baroclinic tidal velocities are expressed mainly in the central part of the sea and almost vanish in its western and eastern parts. The presence of a zone of high baroclinic velocities near the northern open border of the sea and an increase in velocities with approaching the coast of the continent at the mouth of the Lena River is noted. The fields of components of the averaged (over a tidal cycle) baroclinic tidal energy budget (integrated by depth) are discussed. The averaged (over the sea area) values of the density of baroclinic tidal energy, as well as the tidal energy conversion and dissipation rates, are $$1.2\,\, \times \,\,{{10}^{3}}$$ J/m 2 , $$ - 0.3\,\, \times \,\,{{10}^{{ - 3}}}$$ W/m 2 , and $$7.3\,\, \times \,\,{{10}^{{ - 3}}}$$ W/m 2 , respectively. The ITW lifetime in the Laptev Sea, defined as the ratio of the average density of baroclinic tidal energy to the dissipation rate, is around 50 h; i.e., the ITW lifetime in the sea is 4 times higher than the tidal cycle length for the M 2 tidal harmonic.



摘要 QUODDY-4三维有限元静水力学模型已被用于再现无冰期拉普捷夫海内潮汐波(ITWs)动力和能量特征的空间分布。已经表明,在斜斜深度处 ITW 振幅的一个显着特征是 ITW 振幅相对较高的区域是有限的。仅在靠近大陆坡的海中部检测到至少达到 5 m 的峰值振幅,但在海西和东海的 ITW 振幅分别不超过 0.2 和 0.1 m。与 ITW 振幅一样,斜压潮汐速度主要在海洋中部表达,在西部和东部几乎消失。注意到在海洋北部开放边界附近存在高斜压速度区,并且在靠近勒拿河口的大陆海岸时速度增加。讨论了平均(在一个潮汐周期内)斜压潮汐能收支(按深度积分)的分量场。斜压潮汐能密度以及潮汐能转换耗散率的平均值(在海域上)为$$1.2\,\,\times\,\,{{10}^{3}} $$ J/m 2 , $$ - 0.3\,\, \times \,\,{{10}^{{ - 3}}}$$ W/m 2 , $$7.3\,\, \times \ ,\,{{10}^{{ - 3}}}$$ W/m 2 分别为。拉普捷夫海的 ITW 寿命,定义为斜压潮汐能的平均密度与耗散率的比值,约为 50 h;IE,