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Identifying types in contest experiments
International Journal of Game Theory ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s00182-020-00738-w
Francesco Fallucchi , Andrea Mercatanti , Jan Niederreiter

We apply the classifier-Lasso (Su et al. 2016) to detect the presence of latent types in two data sets of previous contest experiments, one that keeps the grouping of contestants fixed over the experiment and one that randomly regroups contestants after each round. Our results suggest that there exist three distinct types of players in both contest regimes. The majority of contestants in fixed groups behaves reciprocal to opponents’ previous choices. A higher share of reciprocators per group is associated to lower average overspending which hints at cooperative attempts. For experiments in which contestants are regrouped, we find a significantly lower share of ‘reciprocators’ and no significant association between the share of reciprocators and average efforts.



我们应用分类器-套索 (Su et al. 2016) 来检测先前竞赛实验的两个数据集中潜在类型的存在,一个在实验中保持参赛者的分组不变,另一个在每轮后随机重新分组参赛者。我们的结果表明,在两种竞赛制度中都存在三种不同类型的玩家。固定组中的大多数参赛者的行为与对手之前的选择互惠。每组较高比例的互惠者与较低的平均超支有关,这暗示了合作尝试。对于参赛者重新分组的实验,我们发现“互惠者”的比例显着降低,而且互惠者的比例与平均努力之间没有显着关联。