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Redescription of Encrasicholina oligobranchus (Wongratana 1983) (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) and description of a new species of Encrasicholina from New Guinea
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00789-9
Harutaka Hata , Hiroyuki Motomura

Encrasicholina integra sp. nov. is described from 10 specimens collected in Manokwari, West Papua, Indonesia. The new species is most similar to Encrasicholina oligobranchus (Wongratana 1983), which is redescribed, in sharing a short upper jaw with the posterior tip just reaching to the preopercle anterior margin, the dorsal and anal fins with three unbranched rays, a bony urohyal without fleshy knobs, and similar numbers of gill rakers. However, the former is characterized by a shorter head (its length 25.9–27.2% SL vs. 28.3–29.8% in E. oligobranchus), maxilla (its length 17.1–18.3% SL vs. 19.0–20.7%), and mandible (its length 17.5–18.7% SL vs. 19.1–20.5%), in addition to a deeper body (its depth 15.1–16.4% SL vs. 13.3–15.3%) and longer pelvic fin (9.3–10.2% SL vs. 8.7–9.4%).


重新描述 Encrasicholina oligobranchus (Wongratana 1983) (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) 和描述来自新几内亚的 Encrasicholina 新种

Encrasicholina integra sp. 十一月 描述来自印度尼西亚西巴布亚马诺夸里收集的 10 个标本。这个新物种与 Encrasicholina oligobranchus (Wongratana 1983) 最相似,后者被重新描述,共享一个短的上颌,后尖刚好到达前鳃盖骨前缘,背鳍和臀鳍有三个不分枝的鳍条,一个没有分枝的骨性尿透明肉质的旋钮,和类似数量的鳃耙。然而,前者的特点是头部较短(其长度为 25.9-27.2% SL 与 E. oligobranchus 中的 28.3-29.8%)、上颌骨(其长度为 17.1-18.3% SL 与 19.0-20.7%)和下颌骨(其长度为 17.5–18.7% SL vs. 19.1–20.5%),此外还有更深的身体(其深度为 15.1–16.4% SL vs. 13.3–15.3%)和更长的腹鳍(9.3–10.2% SL vs. 8.7– 9.4%)。