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Sire Influence on Redberry Juniper Consumption by Kid Goats
Rangeland Ecology & Management ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rama.2020.09.003
Kendall W. Tidwell , Cody B. Scott

Both preconditioning and genetic selection can improve intake of redberry juniper (Juniperus pinchotii Sudw.). Preconditioning an acceptance of juniper has relied on feeding juniper to sheep or goats for 14 d at weaning. Successful genetic selection for juniper consumption by goats has relied on selection of both sires and dams for juniper intake. This study compared redberry juniper intake by kid goats from sires selectively bred for juniper consumption and sires chosen for production characteristics. We used five billies chosen for high juniper consumption and five billies chosen for other production characteristics and bred each to seven doe (n = 70). Doe had not been selected for juniper consumption. Kids were weaned at 90 d of age and placed in individual pens for testing. All kids were fed redberry juniper for 30 min each morning for 14 d. After any juniper refusals were collected, alfalfa pellets (2.5% body weight) were fed for the remainder of the day to meet maintenance requirements. Consumption of juniper was measured and compared between treatments and among sire groups. Once the 14-d juniper feeding trial was completed, all goats were placed on the same ad libitum ration for 30 d with body condition scores and weights taken and compared among treatments and sire groups after 30 d of feeding the complete ration. There were no differences in juniper consumption, body condition scores, and weights among treatments. Goats increased juniper consumption daily in individual pens. Sires’ willingness to consume juniper did not appear to impact intake of the plant by their offspring in this study.



预处理和基因选择均可提高红莓杜松(杜松杜松Juniperus pinchotii Sudw。))的摄入量。对杜松的接受度进行预处理取决于在断奶时向绵羊或山羊饲喂杜松14 d。山羊食用杜松的成功基因选择依赖于杜松的摄食选择父系和母系。这项研究比较了选择性繁殖杜松的公公公公公公母山羊的红莓杜松子的摄取量以及根据生产特性选择的公母公公。我们选择了5个用于杜松消费量较高的比利牛斯和5个用于其他生产特性的比利牛斯,每只都育成7个母鹿(n = 70)。美国能源部尚未被选定用于杜松消费。孩子在90 d时断奶,并放在单独的围栏中进行测试。所有的孩子每天早上喂红莓杜松30分钟,共14天。收集任何杜松拒绝后,在一天的剩余时间内饲喂苜蓿颗粒(体重为2.5%)以满足维护要求。测量了杜松的消费量,并比较了不同治疗方法之间和父组之间的消费情况。一旦完成了14天的杜松喂养试验,所有山羊都将随意放牧饲喂30 d日粮,并根据身体状况评分和体重,并在饲喂30 d日粮后比较各处理组和父亲组的体重。杜松的消费量,身体状况得分和体重在治疗之间没有差异。山羊每天增加单独pen中杜松的消费量。在这项研究中,Sires食用杜松的意愿似乎并未影响其后代对该植物的摄入。
