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Seasonal strategies in the world’s oceans
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102466
André W. Visser , Philipp Brun , Subhendu Chakraborty , Tim Spaanheden Dencker , P. Daniël van Denderen , Rob van Gemert , Hans van Someren Gréve , Irene Heilmann , Mark Wejlemann Holm , Sigrún Huld Jónasdóttir , Kasia M. Kenitz , Thomas Kiørboe , Martin Lindegren , Patrizio Mariani , Lasse Tor Nielsen , Marina Pancic , Mark Payne , Lauréne Pécuchet , Nicolas Azaña Schnedler-Meyer , Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen , Anna Törnroos , Ken H. Andersen

Abstract Throughout much of the world’s oceans, life is organized around seasonal cycles of feast and famine. Here we seek to understand the life-history strategies by which marine organisms contend with seasonal variations through a range of adaptations and traits, including overwintering stages, dormancy, investment in reserves, and migration. Our perspective is broad, spanning across marine food webs, from unicellular plankton to whales, and covering all latitudes, from the equator to the poles. The analysis is organized around a simple mechanistic life history optimization model. The model generates several general hypotheses: (i) small organisms should cope with winters by making resting stages or by dormancy; (ii) medium-sized organisms should build reserves and perform seasonal vertical migration to reduce predation; (iii) large organisms should primarily employ latitudinal migrations to follow seasonal peaks in production. Subsequently, these hypotheses are tested against a large assemblage of observations and data reported in the literature. Body size, trophic level, and the intensity and duration of seasonal highs and lows appear to be closely related to seasonal strategies. Some, but not all of these hypotheses are borne out by our analysis of data. In particular, we find that organisms with a lifespan on the order of the seasonal length employ a multitude of strategies.



摘要 在世界上大部分海洋中,生命都是围绕着盛宴和饥荒的季节性循环而组织起来的。在这里,我们试图了解海洋生物通过一系列适应和特征(包括越冬阶段、休眠、保护区投资和迁徙)与季节变化抗衡的生命史策略。我们的视角是广阔的,跨越海洋食物网,从单细胞浮游生物到鲸鱼,涵盖从赤道到极地的所有纬度。该分析围绕一个简单的机械生命史优化模型进行组织。该模型产生了几个一般假设:(i) 小生物应该通过休息或休眠来应对冬天;(ii) 中型生物应建立保护区并进行季节性垂直迁移以减少捕食;(iii) 大型生物应主要采用纬度迁移来跟随季节性的生产高峰。随后,这些假设将根据文献中报告的大量观察结果和数据进行测试。体型、营养水平以及季节性高峰和低谷的强度和持续时间似乎与季节性策略密切相关。我们对数据的分析证实了一些(但不是全部)假设。特别是,我们发现寿命与季节性长度相当的生物体采用了多种策略。季节性高点和低点的强度和持续时间似乎与季节性策略密切相关。我们对数据的分析证实了一些(但不是全部)假设。特别是,我们发现寿命与季节性长度相当的生物体采用了多种策略。季节性高点和低点的强度和持续时间似乎与季节性策略密切相关。我们对数据的分析证实了一些(但不是全部)假设。特别是,我们发现寿命与季节性长度相当的生物体采用了多种策略。