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Def3D, a FEM simulation tool for computing deformation near active faults and volcanic centers
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106601
Luyuan Huang , Bei Zhang , Yaolin Shi

Abstracts Most analytical solutions of deformation near active and volcanic centers are limited to simple geometries and homogeneous media. To solve more complex problems, we have developed a FEM software package called Def3D for modeling deformation caused by earthquakes or magma chambers in laterally inhomogeneous media. Features presently available include modeling of split node technique, equivalent body forces and surface tractions. Def3D presently supports the isotropic elastic and viscoelastic materials behaving as a Maxwell body. The program has been verified in various test cases by strict comparison with analytical solutions. Displacements following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and magma-induced surface deformation near Changbaishan volcano are used to test the reliability of the software package.



摘要 活动中心和火山中心附近变形的大多数解析解仅限于简单的几何形状和均质介质。为了解决更复杂的问题,我们开发了一个名为 Def3D 的 FEM 软件包,用于模拟横向非均匀介质中由地震或岩浆房引起的变形。目前可用的功能包括对分裂节点技术、等效体力和表面牵引力的建模。Def3D 目前支持表现为麦克斯韦体的各向同性弹性和粘弹性材料。该程序通过与解析解的严格对比,在各种测试用例中得到验证。利用2008年汶川地震后的位移和长白山火山附近岩浆诱发的地表变形来检验软件包的可靠性。