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Photo-Biomodulation as a Prevention Modality of Oral Mucositis in Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Applied Sciences ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-24 , DOI: 10.3390/app10217479
Ahmed Mohsen , Gianluca Tenore , Federica Rocchetti , Alessandro Del Vecchio , Roberto Ricci , Walter Barberi , Claudio Cartoni , Anna Paola Iori , Roberto Pippi , Antonella Polimeni , Umberto Romeo

The aim of the study was to observe the effectiveness of a photo-biomodulation (PBM) protocol for the prevention of oral mucositis (OM) in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT). A case-control study was conducted on 40 patients undergoing aHSCT. The patients were divided into two groups; the preventive group (PG) included 20 patients (7 females and 13 males) who were subjected to intra-oral PBM for five sessions a week, starting one day before the conditioning regimen and continuing until the 10th day after transplantation (D+10). In each session, ten points on the at-risk mucosal surfaces were irradiated using a double diode laser that emits two wavelengths simultaneously at 650 nm and at 904–910 nm with the following parameters at each point: energy of 4 J, and power of 88.9 mW. The control group (CG) included 20 patients (10 females and 10 males) who were not subjected to laser therapy and were selected retrospectively to compare the obtained results. For all patients, OM was assessed by the World Health Organization (WHO) grading scale. Eight patients in the PG did not experience OM during their hospitalization period (with grade 0). Severe OM was observed in 40% of the patients in the PG, while in the CG, severe OM was shown in 85% of the patients. The mean duration of OM in the PG was significantly lower than that of CG (4.7 days in the PG and 15 days in the CG) (p < 0.001). The study demonstrated that the preventive PBM protocol reduced the severity and duration of OM in patients undergoing aHSCT.



这项研究的目的是观察光生物调节(PBM)方案在接受异基因造血干细胞移植(aHSCT)的患者中预防口腔粘膜炎(OM)的有效性。对40名接受aHSCT的患者进行了病例对照研究。将患者分为两组。预防组(PG)包括20例患者(7例女性和13例男性),他们每周接受五次口服口内PBM治疗,从调理方案开始前一天开始一直持续到移植后第10天(D + 10) 。在每个疗程中,使用双二极管激光器在高风险的粘膜表面上照射十个点,该二极管在650 nm和904-910 nm处同时发射两个波长,每个点具有以下参数:能量为4 J,能量为88.9兆瓦。对照组(CG)包括20例未接受激光治疗的患者(10例女性和10例男性),并进行回顾性选择以比较获得的结果。对于所有患者,OM均由世界卫生组织(WHO)分级量表评估。PG中有八名患者在住院期间(0级)未经历过OM。PG中有40%的患者出现严重的OM,而CG中有85%的患者出现了严重的OM。PG的OM平均持续时间显着低于CG的平均持续时间(PG为4.7天,CG为15天)(PG中有八名患者在住院期间(0级)未经历过OM。PG中有40%的患者出现严重的OM,而CG中有85%的患者出现了严重的OM。PG的OM平均持续时间显着低于CG的平均持续时间(PG为4.7天,CG为15天)(PG中有八名患者在住院期间(0级)未经历过OM。PG中有40%的患者出现严重的OM,而CG中有85%的患者出现了严重的OM。PG的OM平均持续时间显着低于CG的平均持续时间(PG为4.7天,CG为15天)(p <0.001)。该研究表明,预防性PBM方案可降低接受aHSCT的患者的OM严重程度和持续时间。