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A Novel Precipitate-Type Architected Metamaterial Strengthened via Orowan Bypass-Like Mechanism
Applied Sciences ( IF 2.838 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.3390/app10217525
Zhehao Lu , Wenyuan Yan , Pengfei Yan , Biao Yan

The objective of the study is to investigate the strengthening mechanism of embedded meta-precipitates in the design of architected metamaterials. Four precipitate-type architected metamaterials are designed and prepared by fused deposition modelling (FDM). The difference of mechanical properties and deformation mode of these structures is analyzed. The strengthening effect of the introduced meta-precipitates is then compared with Orowan bypass strengthening mechanism. The similarities and discrepancies of metallurgical hardening principles and that found in architected metamaterials are established. It is found that due to the introduction of embedded meta-precipitates, the deformation of the structure changes significantly from diagonal crushing to a meander route, thus improves the mechanical properties and energy absorption abilities. The hindering effect and the influence of volume fraction of meta-precipitates is similar to Orowan bypass mechanism.


