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Isolation of Arcobacter spp. and identification of isolates by multiplex PCR from various domestic poultry and wild avian species
Annals of Microbiology ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1186/s13213-020-01603-7
Elif Çelik , Salih Otlu

The purpose of the present study was to determine the extent and seasonal prevalence of Arcobacter spp. in domestic poultry and wild birds in the Kars region of Turkey using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (m-PCR). In this study, 1570 samples were collected from domestic poultry and wild avian species. The numbers of collected samples were as follows: 182 fecal samples from chickens, geese, and turkeys from family farms in the Kars region in Turkey; 1089 cloacal swab samples from chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, and quails from family farms in this region; and 299 fecal samples from wild pigeons, crows, and owls in the same region. Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 17.43%, 35.77%, 3.63%, 6.87%, and 3.33% of the cloacal swab samples obtained from geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, and quails, respectively. In the stool samples, Arcobacter spp. were isolated from 9.62%, 13.33%, and 4% of chicken, goose, and turkey samples, respectively. In wild birds, the isolation rates of Arcobacter spp. were 6.6%, 12.15%, and 0% in pigeons, crows, and owls, respectively. Using m-PCR, among 171 Arcobacter spp. isolates obtained from poultry and wild birds, 67, 78, 24, and 2 were identified as Arcobacter cryaerophilus, Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter skirrowii, and Arcobacter cibarius, respectively. Both poultry and wild avian species exhibited variable rates of Arcobacter species positivity. The presence of Arcobacter spp. in the digestive tracts of healthy poultry and wild birds may serve as a potential reservoir for the dissemination of these microbes in the environment and their transmission to other animals and humans.



本研究的目的是确定Arcobacter spp的程度和季节性流行。使用多重聚合酶链反应(m-PCR)在土耳其卡尔斯地区的家禽和野禽中检测 在这项研究中,从家禽和野生鸟类物种中收集了1570个样本。收集的样本数量如下:土耳其卡尔斯地区家庭农场的鸡,鹅和火鸡的粪便样本为182种;从该地区家庭农场的鸡,鹅,鸭,火鸡和鹌鹑中提取出1089个泄殖腔拭子样本;以及来自同一地区的野生鸽子,乌鸦和猫头鹰的299份粪便样本。弧菌属。分别从分别从鹅,鸭,鸡,火鸡和鹌鹑中获得的泄殖腔拭子样本中分离出了17.43%,35.77%,3.63%,6.87%和3.33%。在粪便样品中,有Arcobacter spp。分别从鸡肉,鹅和火鸡样本中分离出9.62%,13.33%和4%的样本。在野生鸟类中,Arcobacter spp的分离率。鸽子,乌鸦和猫头鹰分别为6.6%,12.15%和0%。使用m-PCR,在171个Arcobacter spp中。从家禽和野生鸟类中分离得到的分离株67、78、24和2分别被鉴定为嗜冷弯曲杆菌,Butzleri弓形杆菌,skirrowii弯曲杆菌和cibarius cibarius。家禽和野生禽类均表现出可变的杆状杆菌种阳性率。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。分别。在野生鸟类中,Arcobacter spp的分离率。鸽子,乌鸦和猫头鹰分别为6.6%,12.15%和0%。使用m-PCR,在171个Arcobacter spp中。从家禽和野生鸟类中分离得到的分离株67、78、24和2分别被鉴定为嗜冷弯曲杆菌,Butzleri弓形杆菌,skirrowii弯曲杆菌和cibarius cibarius。家禽和野生禽类均表现出可变的杆状杆菌种阳性率。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。分别。在野生鸟类中,Arcobacter spp的分离率。鸽子,乌鸦和猫头鹰分别为6.6%,12.15%和0%。使用m-PCR,在171个Arcobacter spp中。从家禽和野生鸟类中分离得到的分离株67、78、24和2分别被鉴定为嗜冷弯曲杆菌,Butzleri弓形杆菌,skirrowii弯曲杆菌和cibarius cibarius。家禽和野生禽类均表现出可变的杆状杆菌种阳性率。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。在171弧菌属中 从家禽和野生鸟类中分离得到的分离株67、78、24和2分别被鉴定为嗜冷弯曲杆菌,Butzleri弓形杆菌,skirrowii弯曲杆菌和cibarius cibarius。家禽和野生禽类均表现出可变的杆状杆菌种阳性率。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。在171弧菌属中 从家禽和野生鸟类中分离得到的分离株67、78、24和2分别被鉴定为嗜冷弯曲杆菌,Butzleri弓形杆菌,skirrowii弯曲杆菌和cibarius cibarius。家禽和野生禽类均表现出可变的杆状杆菌种阳性率。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。杆菌属的存在。在健康的家禽和野禽的消化道中,它们可能是这些微生物在环境中的传播以及它们向其他动物和人类的传播的潜在库。