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Collaborative Filtering with Ranking-based Priors on Unknown Ratings
IEEE Intelligent Systems ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mis.2020.3000012
Jin Chen 1 , Defu Lian 2 , Kai Zheng 1

Advanced collaborative filtering methods based on explicit feedback assume that unknown ratings are missing not at random. The state-of-the-art algorithm hypothesizes that unknown items are weakly rated and sets an explicit prior to unknown ratings. However, the prior assuming unknown ratings be close to zero may be questionable and it is challenging to set appropriate prior ratings for unknown items. In this article, to avert the use of prior ratings, we propose a ranking-based prior by hypothesizing that each user's unknown ratings are close to each other. This prior essentially acts as a regularizer to penalize the discrepancy of predicted ratings between any two unknown items. With the ranking-based prior, we design a generic collaborative filtering framework for explicit feedback and develop an efficient optimization algorithm for parameter learning. We finally evaluate the proposed algorithms on four real-world rating datasets. The results show that the proposed algorithms consistently outperform the state-of-the-art baselines and that the ranking-based prior leads to superior recommendation accuracy.


