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Antimicrobial agent use in small animals what are the prescribing practices, use of PK‐PD principles, and extralabel use in the United States?
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1111/jvp.12921
Mark G Papich 1

In this review, the availability and deficiencies of current antimicrobial agents for companion animals in the United States are described. Although several active agents are FDA‐approved for small animals, there are many unmet needs. These needs are greatest for cats, for the treatment of antibiotic drug‐resistant infections, and to treat new or emerging pathogens that were not considered on older labels. The older agents approved before 1997 are often outdated, unavailable, or have inaccurate labeling. Subsequently, veterinarians treat dogs and cats with many unapproved antimicrobial agents that are licensed for human use. Although these drugs may be effective, there are also concerns that this use can produce drug‐resistant bacteria that may be a public health risk. Although this concern is real, there is also evidence that any antimicrobial use in small animals can produce resistant fecal bacteria and stewardship principles should aim at reducing any unnecessary antibiotic use. This could be accomplished by avoiding some of the older, ineffective, or outdated agents described in this paper. There is a need for incentives to approve new agents that will be more appropriate for treating infections in companion animals without increasing the risk of drug‐resistant bacteria that could potentially be transferred to humans and the environment and create a public health risk.


抗生素在小动物中的使用在美国有哪些处方实践、PK-PD 原则的使用和标签外使用?

在这篇综述中,描述了美国目前用于伴侣动物的抗菌药物的可用性和不足。尽管 FDA 批准了几种用于小动物的活性剂,但仍有许多未满足的需求。这些需求对猫来说是最大的,用于治疗抗生素耐药性感染,以及治疗旧标签上没有考虑的新的或新出现的病原体。1997 年之前批准的较旧的代理通常已过时、不可用或标签不准确。随后,兽医用许多未经批准的已获准供人类使用的抗菌剂来治疗狗和猫。尽管这些药物可能有效,但也有人担心这种使用会产生可能对公共健康构成威胁的耐药细菌。尽管这种担忧是真实存在的,但也有证据表明在小动物身上使用任何抗生素都会产生耐药性粪便细菌,管理原则应旨在减少任何不必要的抗生素使用。这可以通过避免使用本文中描述的一些旧的、无效的或过时的代理来实现。需要激励来批准更适合治疗伴侣动物感染的新药剂,同时不会增加耐药细菌的风险,这些细菌可能会转移到人类和环境中并造成公共健康风险。