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Pure tetrahedral quadruple systems with index two
Journal of Combinatorial Designs ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1002/jcd.21755
Ruijing Liu 1 , Junling Zhou 1

An oriented tetrahedron defined on four vertices is a set of four cyclic triples with the property that any ordered pair of vertices is contained in exactly one of the cyclic triples. A tetrahedral quadruple system of order n with index λ , denoted by TQS λ ( n ) , is a pair ( X , ) , where X is an n ‐set and is a set of oriented tetrahedra (blocks) such that every cyclic triple on X is contained in exactly λ members of . A TQS λ ( n ) is pure if there do not exist two blocks with the same vertex set. When λ = 1 , the spectrum of a pure TQS ( n ) has been completely determined by Ji. In this paper, we show that there exists a pure TQS 2 ( n ) if and only if n 1 , 2 ( mod 3 ) and n 7 . A corollary is that a simple QS 4 ( n ) also exists if and only if n 1 , 2 ( mod 3 ) and n 7 .



定义在四个顶点上的定向四面体是一组四个环状三元组,其特性是,任何有序的一对顶点都恰好包含在一个环状三元组中。四面体四阶有序系统 ñ 带索引 λ ,表示为 全面质量管理体系 λ ñ ,是一对 X ,在哪里 X 是一个 ñ 设置和 是一组定向的四面体(块),使得每个环状三元组在 X 完全包含在 λ 的成员 。一种 全面质量管理体系 λ ñ 如果不存在两个具有相同顶点集的块,则为纯。什么时候 λ = 1个 ,纯TQS的光谱 ñ 已由纪完全决定。在本文中,我们表明存在一个纯净的 全面质量管理体系 2 ñ 当且仅当 ñ 1个 2 3 ñ 7 。一个必然结果是,简单 质量体系 4 ñ 也存在,当且仅当 ñ 1个 2 3 ñ 7