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The energies and ANCs for 5Li resonances deduced from experimental p-α scattering phase shifts using the effective-range and Δ methods
Nuclear Physics A ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2020.122060
Yu.V. Orlov

Recently a new Δ method for deducing the energy and asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) from phase-shift data has been formulated and applied to resonance states. This differs from the conventional effective-range function (ERF) method by fitting only the Δl function included in the nuclear part of the effective radius function Kl(k2), which is determined by the Coulomb-nuclear scattering phase shift. Both methods use the same description of the scattering amplitude and the original formulas. However, after inserting the modified function Kl(k2) to the scattering amplitude for charged particles, a term containing the psi function appears in the denominator of the partial amplitude. This leads to the inapplicability of the ERF method when increasing the product of charges of colliding particles. Moreover, even for lower charges it is not clear that the results of the ERF method are accurate enough. The Coulomb part of Kl(k2) forms a background which smooths its energy dependence. Therefore, one needs to find when the ERF method is inaccurate. This requires recalculating some published results using the Δ method. This was done in a recent paper for resonances in the α-4He scattering. Here, the Δ method is applied to 5Li using the experimental p-4He scattering phase-shift data in the ground P3/2 and in the first exited P1/2 resonance states. The results are compared with those obtained by the ERF method. The main changes concern resonance energy and width. The Δ method for resonances differs from the method which was proposed for bound states by Ramírez Suárez and Sparenberg (2017) which was also called the Δ method where a pole condition is defined by the Eq. Δl=0. Here, the standard pole condition, including the Coulomb part in the relate equation, is used for a resonant state.


使用有效范围和Δ方法从实验p - α散射相移推导出的5 Li共振的能量和ANC

最近,已经提出了一种新的Δ方法,用于从相移数据中推导能量和渐进归一化系数(ANC),并将其应用于共振状态。这与传统的有效范围功能(ERF)方法不同,仅适用于Δ 有效半径函数的核部分中包含的函数 ķķ2由库仑-核散射相移确定。两种方法都使用相同的散射幅度描述和原始公式。但是,插入修改后的函数后ķķ2对于带电粒子的散射幅度,包含psi函数的项出现在部分幅度的分母中。当增加碰撞粒子的电荷乘积时,这导致ERF方法不适用。而且,即使对于较低的电荷,也不清楚ERF方法的结果是否足够准确。库仑部分ķķ2形成平滑其能量依赖性的背景。因此,需要发现ERF方法何时不准确。这需要使用Δ方法重新计算一些已发布的结果。这是在最近的论文中完成的,用于α - 4 He散射的共振。此处,使用地面上的实验性p - 4 He散射相移数据将Δ方法应用于5 LiP3/2 并在第一个退出 P1个/2共振状态。将结果与通过ERF方法获得的结果进行比较。主要变化涉及共振能量和宽度。共振的Δ方法不同于RamírezSuárez和Sparenberg(2017)针对束缚态提出的方法,该方法也称为Δ方法,其中极点条件由等式定义。Δ=0。在此,将标准极点条件(包括相关方程中的库仑部分)用于共振状态。
