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Entomological characteristics of mosquitoes breeding sites in two areas of the town of Douala, Cameroon
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-020-00324-3
Agnes Antoinette Ntoumba , Loick Pradel Kojom Foko , Wolfgang Eyisap Ekoko , Jerson Mekoulou Ndongo , Godlove Wepnje Bunda , Francois Eya’ane Meva , Leopold Gustave Lehman

Many infectious diseases including malaria, lymphatic filariasis, chikungunya and dengue are transmitted by mosquitoes. Understanding the entomological diversity in a given area is critical for defining health risks, but also to design and evaluate control measures. Our study aimed to establish an entomological database of the Culicidae fauna in two clusters (Nyalla and Kambo) in the city of Douala in Cameroon. A longitudinal study was conducted from August to December in the Nyalla and Kambo neighbourhoods in the city of Douala. Culicidae larvae were weekly collected and reared until adult emergence. Adults were then morphologically identified using reference identification keys. A total of 20 breeding sites were productive out of an approximately 90 sites prospected. Water collections, pits, swamps and cinder blocks were main categories of larval habitats. In total, 2125 mosquito larvae were collected and reared during the survey. A total of 1790 mosquito adults emerged and were further identified and distributed among three genera: Culex (73.3%); Anopheles (22.6%) and Aedes (4.1%). Eleven Culicidae species were identified: Culex duttoni, Cx. descens, Cx. poicilipes, Cx. univittatus, Cx tigripes, Cx. antennatus, Cx. simpsoni, Cx. pipiens, Anopheles gambiae sl, Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Culex duttoni (39%) and An. gambiae s.l. (22.6%) were the main species recorded. The equitability, species richness and abundance of these genera was influenced by the nature of breeding sites and physical parameters including rainfall and temperature. The present study provides insights on the entomological diversity of the Culicidae fauna in the study area. Such information will help to orientate the fight against mosquito vectors in conjunction with the species and the types of breeding sites.



许多传染病,包括疟疾、淋巴丝虫病、基孔肯雅热和登革热,都是通过蚊子传播的。了解特定地区的昆虫学多样性对于定义健康风险以及设计和评估控制措施至关重要。我们的研究旨在建立喀麦隆杜阿拉市两个集群(尼亚拉和坎博)的库利科动物群的昆虫学数据库。一项纵向研究于 8 月至 12 月在杜阿拉市的 Nyalla 和 Kambo 社区进行。每周收集并饲养库虱幼虫直至成虫出现。然后使用参考识别键对成虫进行形态学识别。在勘探的大约 90 个地点中,共有 20 个繁殖地点有生产力。水收集,坑,沼泽和煤渣块是幼虫栖息地的主要类别。调查期间共收集和饲养蚊子幼虫2125只。共有 1790 只蚊成虫出现并进一步鉴定并分布在三个属中:库蚊(73.3%);按蚊 (22.6%) 和伊蚊 (4.1%)。确定了 11 种库蚊:库蚊,Cx。下降,Cx。波西利佩斯,Cx。univittatus,Cx tigripes,Cx。触角,Cx。辛普森,Cx。pipiens、冈比亚按蚊 sl、埃及伊蚊和 Ae。白线虫。Culex duttoni (39%) 和 An. 冈比亚 sl (22.6%) 是记录的主要物种。这些属的公平性、物种丰富度和丰度受繁殖地点的性质和物理参数(包括降雨和温度)的影响。本研究提供了对研究区域内库利科动物群昆虫学多样性的见解。此类信息将有助于结合物种和繁殖地点的类型确定防治蚊媒的方向。