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Estimation of various radiological parameters associated with radioactive contents emanating with fly ash from Sahiwal coal–fuelled power plant, Pakistan
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08669-5
Ihsan Ullah Khan , Weimin Sun , Elfed Lewis

The release of natural radioactive materials with the emission of fly ash as a result of coal burning in power generation plants is considered amongst the sources that elevate the technologically environmental radioactivity level. This research mainly concerns the assessment of various radiological parameters including excess lifetime cancer risk due to natural radioactive contents associated with fly ash emitted to the surrounding environment from the stack of 1320 Mw Sahiwal coal-fuelled power generation plant (CFPP). For this purpose, fifty-four soil samples were collected in a radius of 4 Km from CFPP and a highly background radiation–shielded HPGe system is used to measure radioactivity in the collected samples. The activity concentrations of radium-226, potassium-40, and thorium-232 in collected samples was found to be in the range of 20 to 138, 43 to 860, and 27 to 127 Bq/kg with average values of 66, 409, and 67 Bq/kg respectively. Activity concentrations of radium-226 and thorium-232 were observed significantly higher than UNSCEAR reported typical global average values. A significant decrease in the level of the aforementioned radionuclides in the collected soil samples was observed with increasing distance from the power plant, which is a clear indication for the elevation of radioactivity concentrations in the surrounding environment as a result of the operation of the CFPP. To assess the radiation dose delivered to the occupational workers and inhabitants living next to Sahiwal CFPP, absorbed γ-dose rate (Dγ), outdoor annual effective dose rate (EOutdoor), and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) were estimated and these were found higher than the UNSCEAR recommended values of 59 nGy/h, 0.07 mSv/y, and 2.9 × 10−4 respectively. The outcome of this first systematic study is the assessment of potential radiological health risk to the occupational workers as well as the inhabitants living in the proximity of this CFPP.



在提高技术环境放射性水平的各种来源中,考虑了由于发电厂燃煤而释放的天然放射性物质和粉煤灰的排放。这项研究主要涉及各种放射学参数的评估,包括由于从1320 Mw Sahiwal燃煤发电厂(CFPP)的烟囱中散发到周围环境中的粉煤灰而产生的天然放射性物质所产生的自然放射性物质,从而导致终身癌症风险过高。为此,从CFPP收集了半径为4 Km的54个土壤样品,并使用了高度背景辐射屏蔽的HPGe系统来测量所收集样品中的放射性。镭226,钾40,所收集样品中的232和th232的范围分别为20至138、43至860和27至127 Bq / kg,平均值分别为66、409和67 Bq / kg。观察到镭226和th 232的活性浓度显着高于UNSCEAR报告的典型全球平均值。随着距发电厂距离的增加,收集到的土壤样品中上述放射性核素的水平显着下降,这清楚表明CFPP运行导致周围环境中放射性浓度升高。为了评估向毗邻Sahiwal CFPP的职业工人和居民的辐射剂量,吸收的γ剂量率(观察到镭226和th 232的活性浓度显着高于UNSCEAR报告的典型全球平均值。随着距发电厂距离的增加,收集到的土壤样品中上述放射性核素的水平显着下降,这清楚表明CFPP运行导致周围环境中放射性浓度升高。为了评估向毗邻Sahiwal CFPP的职业工人和居民的辐射剂量,吸收的γ剂量率(观察到镭226和th 232的活性浓度显着高于UNSCEAR报告的典型全球平均值。随着距发电厂距离的增加,收集到的土壤样品中上述放射性核素的水平显着下降,这清楚表明CFPP运行导致周围环境中放射性浓度升高。为了评估向毗邻Sahiwal CFPP的职业工人和居民的辐射剂量,吸收的γ剂量率(随着距发电厂距离的增加,收集到的土壤样品中上述放射性核素的水平显着下降,这清楚表明CFPP运行导致周围环境中放射性浓度升高。为了评估向毗邻Sahiwal CFPP的职业工人和居民的辐射剂量,吸收的γ剂量率(随着距发电厂距离的增加,收集到的土壤样品中上述放射性核素的水平显着下降,这清楚表明CFPP运行导致周围环境中放射性浓度升高。为了评估向毗邻Sahiwal CFPP的职业工人和居民的辐射剂量,吸收的γ剂量率(d γ),室外年有效剂量率(ë室外),和过量的寿命癌症风险(ELCR)估计,并且这些被发现比UNSCEAR推荐的59 NGY /小时,0.07毫/ y值越高,和2.9×10 - 4个。这项首次系统研究的结果是评估对职业工人以及居住在该CFPP附近的居民的潜在放射线健康风险。
