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Halophytic Vegetation in the West Caspian Lowland
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520050054
I. A. Goryaev , A. P. Korablev


Halophytic vegetation is typical for the west of the Caspian lowland. It is confined to solonetzes and solonchaks, occupying a fairly large area in the region. The phytocenotic diversity of halophytic vegetation depends on environmental factors such as the total amount of salts in the soils, as well as on soil moisture. According to literature sources and our research, halophyte communities in the region belong to 21 formations, of which 9 are widely distributed (Artemisieta pauciflorae, Artemisieta santonicae, Camphorosmeta monspeliacae, Leymeta ramosi, Halocnemeta strobilacei, Salsoleta dendroidis, Salicornieta perennantis, Suaedeta salsae, and Petrosimonieta oppositifoliae). Communities of 12 formations are rare (Anabaseta salsae, Halimioneta verruciferae, Kochieta prostratae, Limonieta suffruticosi, Salsoleta laricinae, Frankenieta hirsutae, Petrosimonieta triandrae, Petrosimonieta brachiatae, Climacoptereta crassae, Spirobassieta hirsutae, Salsoleta sodae, and Puccinellieta distantis). Some of these formations are located on the western or northwestern border of their areas. Solonetzes dominate in the steppe zone. Euhalophytes dwarf semishrubs Artemisia pauciflora, Artemisia santonica, and Camphorosma monspeliaca and rhizome cereals Leymus ramosus communities are associated with them. Solonchaks are not as common; they are marked with the following communities: Salicornia perennans, Spirobassia hirsuta, Suaeda salsa, and Petrosimonia oppositifolia. In the desert zone, solonetzes occupy small areas only in the north. Solonchaks dominate, in which communities of hyperhalophyte dwarf semishrubs (Halocnemum strobilaceum and Salsola dendroides) and annual halophytes (Salicornia perennans, Suaeda salsa, and Petrosimonia oppositifolia) occur. Halophyte communities are characteristic of fallows and pastures on light chestnut saline soils, along irrigation channels, in pipelines, and around artesian wells.




里海西部的典型地带是盐生植被。它仅限于solonetzes和solonchaks,在该地区占据相当大的面积。盐生植物的植物群落多样性取决于环境因素,例如土壤中盐的总量以及土壤湿度。根据文献资料和我们的研究,该地区的盐生植物群落属于21个形成,其中9个分布较广(青蒿,青蒿,香樟,勒姆罗摩西,梭菌,齿兰,沙柳,沙柳,沙柳, Petrosimonieta oppositifoliae)。12种形成的群落非常少见(Anabaseta salsae,Halimioneta verruciferae,Kochieta prostratae,Limonieta suffruticosi,Salsoleta laricinae,Frankenieta hirsutae,Petrosimonieta triandrae,Petrosimonieta brachiatae,Climacoptereta crassae,Spirobassieta hirsutae,Salsoleta sodae和Puccinellieta distantis)。其中一些编队位于其地区的西部或西北边界。在草原地区,蛇纹石占主导地位。Euhalophytes矮矮灌木圣蒿樟脑和根茎谷物Leymus ramosus群落与它们相关。Solonchaks并不常见。它们被标记为以下群落:多年生植物Salicornia perennansSpirobassia hirsutaSuaeda salsaPetrosimonia oppositifolia。在沙漠地区,孤峰仅在北部占据很小的区域。Solonchaks占主导地位,其中高盐生植物矮半灌木(Halocnemum strobilaceumSalsola dendroides)和一年生盐生植物(Salicornia perennansSuaeda salsaPetrosimonia oppositifolia发生。盐生植物群落是浅栗盐渍土,灌溉渠道,管道和自流井周围的休耕地和牧场的特征。
