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Infinitely Generated Hecke Algebras with Infinite Presentation
Algebras and Representation Theory ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10468-019-09939-8
Corina Ciobotaru

For a locally compact group G and a compact subgroup K, the corresponding Hecke algebra consists of all continuous compactly supported complex functions on G that are K–bi-invariant. There are many examples of totally disconnected locally compact groups whose Hecke algebras with respect to a maximal compact subgroups are not commutative. One of those is the universal group U(F)+, when F is primitive but not 2–transitive. For this class of groups we prove the Hecke algebra with respect to a maximal compact subgroup K is infinitely generated and infinitely presented. This may be relevant for constructing irreducible unitary representations of U(F)+ whose subspace of K–fixed vectors has dimension at least two. On the contrary, when F is 2–transitive that Hecke algebra of U(F)+ is commutative, finitely generated admitting a single generator.



