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Tutorial: guidelines for standardized performance tests for electrodes intended for neural interfaces and bioelectronics
Nature Protocols ( IF 14.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1038/s41596-020-0389-2
Christian Boehler 1, 2 , Stefano Carli 3 , Luciano Fadiga 3, 4 , Thomas Stieglitz 1, 2 , Maria Asplund 1, 2, 5

Implantable neural interfaces advance the possibilities for neuroscientists to study the brain. They are also promising for use in a multitude of bioelectronic therapies. Electrode technology plays a central role in these developments, as the electrode surfaces form the physical interfaces between technology and the biological targets. Despite this, a common understanding of how electrodes should best be evaluated and compared with respect to their efficiency in recording and stimulation is currently lacking. Without broadly accepted performance tests, it is difficult to rank the many suggestions for electrode materials available in the literature, or to identify where efforts should be focused to advance the field most efficiently. This tutorial critically discusses the most relevant performance tests for characterization of neural interface electrodes and explains their implementation, interpretation and respective limitations. We propose a unified standard to facilitate transparent reporting on electrode performance, promote efficient scientific process and ultimately accelerate translation into clinical practice.



