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Sports image detection based on FPGA hardware system and particle swarm algorithm
Microprocessors and Microsystems ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103348
Hu Jing , Xing Xiaoqiong

The action of the opposition is conveyed on a fundamental level. Moreover, it finds image detection related information on contenders and football sports Image, which can be realized in the outside image. From the force situation, one can see that image advancement is up. Therefore, this assessment development image as a thing to ponder the usage of image acknowledgment development. Football sports detection is dealing with the whole system. The structure configuration relies upon hardware, including a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This new computation particle swarm algorithm estimation is implemented to edge recognizable proof, grayscale planning, object get, target affirmation, image area development, etc., which are consolidated into the genuine need of the game video to achieve the various essentials of development image acknowledgment. All the while, it has set itself up as a demonstrating ground to test the suitability of the investigation framework that sees the affirmation of contenders, games affirmation, sports lead judgment, etc. Football sports Image detection results of the relevant investigations have revealed that the existence of the solution.



