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Space-time analytics of human physiology for urban planning
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101554
Garrett C. Millar , Ondrej Mitas , Wilco Boode , Lisette Hoeke , Joost de Kruijf , Anna Petrasova , Helena Mitasova

Abstract Recent advancements in mobile sensing and wearable technologies create new opportunities to improve our understanding of how people experience their environment. This understanding can inform urban design decisions. Currently, an important urban design issue is the adaptation of infrastructure to increasing cycle and e-bike use. Using data collected from 12 cyclists on a cycle highway between two municipalities in The Netherlands, we coupled location and wearable emotion data at a high spatiotemporal resolution to model and examine relationships between cyclists' emotional arousal (operationalized as skin conductance responses) and visual stimuli from the environment (operationalized as extent of visible land cover type). We specifically took a within-participants multilevel modeling approach to determine relationships between different types of viewable land cover area and emotional arousal, while controlling for speed, direction, distance to roads, and directional change. Surprisingly, our model suggests ride segments with views of larger natural, recreational, agricultural, and forested areas were more emotionally arousing for participants. Conversely, segments with views of larger developed areas were less arousing. The presented methodological framework, spatial-emotional analyses, and findings from multilevel modeling provide new opportunities for spatial, data-driven approaches to portable sensing and urban planning research. Furthermore, our findings have implications for design of infrastructure to optimize cycling experiences.



摘要 移动传感和可穿戴技术的最新进展为提高我们对人们如何体验环境的理解创造了新的机会。这种理解可以为城市设计决策提供信息。目前,一个重要的城市设计问题是基础设施适应日益增长的自行车和电动自行车的使用。使用从荷兰两个城市之间的自行车高速公路上收集的 12 名自行车手收集的数据,我们以高时空分辨率将位置和可穿戴情绪数据结合起来,以建模和检查自行车手的情绪唤醒(可操作为皮肤电导反应)与视觉刺激之间的关系。环境(可操作为可见土地覆盖类型的范围)。我们特别采用了参与者内部多层次建模方法来确定不同类型的可见土地覆盖面积与情绪唤醒之间的关系,同时控制速度、方向、与道路的距离和方向变化。令人惊讶的是,我们的模型表明,可以看到更大的自然、休闲、农业和森林区域的骑行路段更能激发参与者的情绪。相反,拥有较大发达地区景观的细分市场则不那么令人兴奋。所提出的方法框架、空间情感分析和多层次建模的发现为便携式传感和城市规划研究的空间、数据驱动方法提供了新的机会。此外,我们的发现对优化骑行体验的基础设施设计具有重要意义。