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Distribution and incidence of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on pepper in Sinaloa, Mexico
Tropical Plant Pathology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s40858-020-00400-6
José Armando Carrillo-Fasio , Azareel Angúlo-Castro , José Ángel Martínez-Gallardo , Felipe Ayala-Tafoya , Moisés Gilberto Yáñez-Juárez , Jesús Enrique Retes-Manjarrez

Root-knot nematodes (RKNs; Meloidogyne spp.) are a major constraint of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crops worldwide. In Mexico, Sinaloa State is one of the main producers of pepper; however, there is little information available on the distribution, prevalence, and incidence of RKN on this crop. Identification of RKN species and estimation of the epidemiological factors are important to design its management strategies. A total of 190 RKN samples from Los Mochis, Culiacan, La Cruz, and Escuinapa areas of Sinaloa were collected from pepper plants at production stage under greenhouse conditions, to analyze the distribution, prevalence, and incidence of RKN. Primary identification of RKN species was based on perineal pattern morphology and confirmed by molecular SCAR marker–based identification. RKNs were found in all the surveyed greenhouses of pepper, confirming their absolute distribution and prevalence in this crop. Meloidogyne enterolobii, Meloidogyne incognita, and Meloidogyne javanica were identified in the four areas. Overall incidence of M. enterolobii, M. incognita, M. javanica, and mix of M. enterolobii + M. incognita was 63.7, 11.7, 12.8, and 11.7%, respectively, indicating that RKNs are a serious threat for pepper and other crops in Sinaloa State. This information will enable pepper growers to design and implement an appropriate control for RKN species.


墨西哥锡那罗亚州辣椒上根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)的分布和发病率

根结线虫 (RKNs; Meloidogyne spp.) 是世界范围内辣椒 (Capsicum annuum L.) 作物的主要限制因素。在墨西哥,锡那罗亚州是胡椒的主要产地之一;然而,关于该作物上 RKN 的分布、流行和发病率的信息很少。RKN 物种的鉴定和流行病学因素的估计对于设计其管理策略很重要。在温室条件下,从生产阶段的辣椒植物中收集了来自锡那罗亚州洛斯莫奇斯、库利亚坎、拉克鲁斯和埃斯库纳帕地区的 190 个 RKN 样本,以分析 RKN 的分布、流行和发病率。RKN 物种的初步鉴定基于会阴图案形态,并通过基于分子 SCAR 标记的鉴定进行确认。在所有调查的辣椒温室中都发现了 RKN,证实了它们在该作物中的绝对分布和流行。在四个区域中发现了肠根结线虫、南方根结线虫和爪哇根结线虫。M. enterolobii、M. incognita、M. javanica 和 M. enterolobii + M. incognita 的总发病率分别为 63.7、11.7、12.8 和 11.7%,表明 RKN 对辣椒和其他作物构成严重威胁在锡那罗亚州。这些信息将使辣椒种植者能够设计和实施对 RKN 物种的适当控制。incognita 分别为 63.7、11.7、12.8 和 11.7%,表明 RKN 对锡那罗亚州的胡椒和其他作物构成严重威胁。这些信息将使辣椒种植者能够设计和实施对 RKN 物种的适当控制。incognita 分别为 63.7、11.7、12.8 和 11.7%,表明 RKN 对锡那罗亚州的胡椒和其他作物构成严重威胁。这些信息将使辣椒种植者能够设计和实施对 RKN 物种的适当控制。