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Predictive Model of Setting Times and Compressive Strengths for Low-Alkali, Ambient-Cured, Fly Ash/Slag-Based Geopolymers
Minerals ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-17 , DOI: 10.3390/min10100920
Supphatuch Ukritnukun , Pramod Koshy , Aditya Rawal , Arnaud Castel , Charles Christopher Sorrell

The effects of curing temperature, blast furnace slag content, and Ms on the initial and final setting times, and compressive strengths of geopolymer paste and mortars are examined. The present work demonstrates that ambient-cured geopolymer pastes and mortars can be fabricated without requiring high alkalinity activators or thermal curing, provided that the ratios of Class F fly ash (40–90 wt%), blast furnace slag (10–60 wt%), and low alkalinity sodium silicate (Ms = 1.5, 1.7, 2.0) are appropriately balanced. Eighteen mix designs were assessed against the criteria for setting time and compressive strength according to ASTM C150 and AS 3972. Using these data, flexible and reproducible mix designs in terms of the fly ash/slag ratio and Ms were mapped and categorised. The optimal mix designs are 30–40 wt% slag with silicate modulus (Ms) = 1.5–1.7. These data were used to generate predictive models for initial and final setting times and for ultimate curing times and ultimate compressive strengths. These projected data indicate that compressive strengths >100 MPa can be achieved after ambient curing for >56 days of mixes of ≥40 wt% slag.



研究了固化温度,高炉炉渣含量和Ms对初始凝固时间和最终凝固时间以及地质聚合物糊和砂浆的抗压强度的影响。目前的工作表明,只要F级粉煤灰(40–90 wt%),高炉矿渣(10–60 wt%)的比例,就可以在不需要高碱度活化剂或不进行热固化的情况下制造常温固化的地质聚合物浆料和灰浆。 )和低碱度的硅酸钠(Ms = 1.5,1.7,2.0)得到适当平衡。根据ASTM C150和AS 3972,针对设置时间和抗压强度的标准对18种混合料设计进行了评估。使用这些数据,根据粉煤灰/矿渣比和Ms绘制了灵活可复制的混合料设计图并进行了分类。最佳的混合料设计是30–40 wt%的炉渣,硅酸盐模量(Ms)= 1.5–1.7。这些数据用于生成初始和最终凝固时间以及最终固化时间和最终抗压强度的预测模型。这些预测的数据表明,在≥40 wt%炉渣的混合物中进行环境固化超过56天后,可以获得大于100 MPa的抗压强度。