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Biodiversity Inventory and Distribution of Metriorrhynchina Net-Winged Beetles (Coleoptera: Lycidae), with the Identification of Generic Ranges
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-16 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11100710
Ladislav Bocak , Michal Motyka , Dominik Kusy , Renata Bilkova

We reviewed the species-level classification of Metriorrhynchina net-winged beetles to make the group accessible for further studies. Altogether, 876 valid species are listed in a checklist along with known synonyms, combinations, and distribution data. The compilation of geographic distribution showed that Metriorrhynchina is distributed mainly in the Australian region with very high diversity in the islands at the northern edge of the Australian craton, i.e., in the Moluccas and New Guinea (54 and 423 spp. respectively). The neighboring northern part of the Australian continent houses a majority of known Australian species (112 spp.) and the diversity of net-winged beetles gradually decreases to the south (43 spp.). The fauna of Sulawesi is highly endemic at the generic level (4 of 10 genera, 67 of 84 spp.). Less Metriorrhynchina occur in the Solomon Islands and Oceania (in total 22 spp.). The Oriental Metriorrhynchina fauna consists of a few genera and a limited number of species, and most of these are known from the Philippines (51 of 94 Oriental spp.). We identified a high species level turn-over between all neighboring landmasses. The genus-level endemism is high in Sulawesi (4 genera) and New Guinea (11 genera), but only a single genus is endemic to Australia. During the compilation of the checklist, we identified some homonyms, and we propose the following replacement names and a new synonym: Metriorrhynchus pseudobasalis, nom. nov. for M. basalis Lea, 1921 nec M. basalis Bourgeois, 1911; Metriorrhynchus pseudofunestus, nom. nov. for M. funestus Lea, 1921 nec M. funestus (Guérin-Méneville, 1838), Trichalus pseudoternatensis, nom. nov. for T. ternatensis Kleine, 1930 nec T. ternatensis Bourgeois, 1900, Procautires subparallelus, nom. nov. for P. parallelus (Pic, 1926) nec P. parallelus (Bourgeois, 1883), and Cautires pseudocorporaali, nom. nov. for C. corporaali (Pic, 1921: 12), (formerly Odontocerus and Cladophorus) nec C. corporaali (Pic, 1921) (formerly Bulenides, later Cautires). Diatrichalus biroi Kleine, 1943, syn. nov. is proposed as a junior subjective synonym of D. subarcuatithorax (Pic, 1926). Altogether, 161 new combinations are proposed, and 47 species earlier placed in Xylobanus Waterhouse, 1879 transferred from Cautirina to Metriorrhynchina incertae sedis. The study clarifies the taxonomy of Metriorrhynchini and should serve as a restarting point for further taxonomic, evolutionary, and biogeographic studies.



我们审查了Metroorrhynchina网翅甲虫的物种级别分类,以使该类可供进一步研究。清单中总共列出了876个有效物种,以及已知的同义词,组合和分布数据。地理分布的汇总表表明,Metroorrhynchina主要分布在澳大利亚地区,在澳大利亚克拉通北部边缘的岛屿,即莫卢卡斯和新几内亚(分别为54和423 pppp)中,具有很高的多样性。澳大利亚大陆的北部邻近地区拥有大多数已知的澳大利亚物种(112 spp。),网翅甲虫的多样性逐渐减少到南部(43 spp。)。苏拉威西岛的动物在一般级别上是高度流行的(10个属中的4个属,84个属中的67个属)。所罗门群岛和大洋洲发生的甲流较少(总共22 spp。)。东方Metroorrhynchina动物区系由几个属和少数几个物种组成,其中大多数是从菲律宾已知的(94个东方物种中的51个)。我们发现所有相邻陆地之间的物种转换率很高。苏拉威西(4属)和新几内亚(11属)的属水平特有度很高,但澳大利亚只有一种属。在检查表的编制过程中,我们确定了一些同名异物,并提出了以下替代名称和新的同义词:我们发现所有相邻陆地之间的物种转换率很高。苏拉威西(4属)和新几内亚(11属)的属水平特有度很高,但澳大利亚只有一种属。在检查表的编制过程中,我们确定了一些同名异物,并提出了以下替代名称和新的同义词:我们发现所有相邻陆地之间的物种转换率很高。苏拉威西(4属)和新几内亚(11属)属属特有种,但澳大利亚只有一种属。在检查表的编制过程中,我们确定了一些同名异物,并提出了以下替代名称和新的同义词:Metriorrhynchus pseudobasalis,NOM。十一月 为M. 基蜕膜LEA,1921 NEC M. 基蜕膜布尔乔亚,1911; Metriorrhynchus pseudofunestus,NOM。十一月 代表M. funestus Lea,1921年另购M. funestusGurin -Méneville,1838年),Trichalus pseudoternatensis,nom。十一月 为T. ternatensis克莱1930年NEC T. ternatensis布尔乔亚,1900年,Procautires subparallelus,NOM。十一月 为P. parallelus(PIC,1926)NEC P. parallelus(布尔乔亚,1883年),以及Cautires pseudocorporaali,nom。十一月 为C. corporaali(PIC,1921:12),(以前OdontocerusCladophorus)NEC C. corporaali(PIC,1921年)(以前Bulenides,以后Cautires)。Diatrichalus biroi Kleine,1943年,同名。十一月 被提议作为D. subarcuatithorax的初级主观同义词(Pic,1926)。总共提出了161种新组合,更早将47种引入Xylobanus Waterhouse,1879年从Cautirina转移到Metricorrhynchina incertae sedis。该研究阐明了Metriorrhynchini的分类学,应作为进一步分类学,进化论和生物地理学研究的起点。