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Models of Diabrotica Populations: Demography, Population Genetics, Geographic Spread, and Management
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-17 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11100712
David W. Onstad , Michael A. Caprio , Zaiqi Pan

Both Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte and D. barberi Smith and Lawrence are among the most damaging insects impacting corn in North America. D. virgifera virgifera has also invaded Europe and has become an important pest in that region. Computer models have become an important tool for understanding the impact and spread of these important pests. Over the past 30 years, over 40 models have been published related to these pests. The focus of these models range from occupancy models (particularly for Europe), impact of climate change, range expansion, economics of pest management, phenology, to the evolution of resistance to toxins and crop rotation. All of these models share characteristics. We elaborate on the methods in which modelers have incorporated the biology of these pests, including density-dependence, movement, fecundity and overwintering mortality. We discuss the utility of both spatially-explicit, complex models and spatially-implicit, generational models and where each might be appropriate. We review resistance models that either explain past evolution to crop rotation, insecticides or insecticidal traits or attempt to predict the consequences of resistance management strategies.



这两种黄瓜叶幼芽根叶甲勒孔特和D. barberi史密斯和劳伦斯是最具破坏性的昆虫在北美影响玉米中。D.virgifera virgifera还入侵了欧洲,并已成为该地区的重要害虫。计算机模型已经成为了解这些重要害虫的影响和传播的重要工具。在过去的30年中,已经发布了40多种与这些害虫有关的模型。这些模型的重点从占用模型(尤其是在欧洲),气候变化的影响,范围扩大,病虫害管理的经济学,物候学到对毒素抗性的演变和农作物轮作。所有这些模型都有共同的特征。我们详细介绍了建模者将这些害虫的生物学方法纳入其中的方法,包括密度依赖性,运动,繁殖力和越冬死亡率。我们讨论了空间显式,复杂模型和空间隐式,世代模型的实用性,以及每种模型都适用的地方。