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Dietary variation of an endangered mycophagous mammal in novel and remnant habitats in a peri‐urban landscape
Austral Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.1111/aec.12960
Sarah J. Maclagan 1 , Terry Coates 2 , Austin O’Malley 3 , Euan G. Ritchie 1

Understanding how fundamental aspects of species’ ecology, such as diet, are affected in human‐dominated landscapes is vital for informing management and conserving biodiversity – particularly where species influence important ecosystem functions. Digging, mycophagous (‘fungus‐eating’) mammals play various such roles, including the dispersal of hypogeal (‘truffle‐like’) fungi. The endangered, mycophagous southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus obesulus: Peramelidae) persists in a peri‐urban landscape south‐east of Melbourne, Australia, where it occupies both ‘novel’ habitats (linear strips of vegetation along roadsides, drains and railway lines) and ‘remnant’ habitats (larger blocks of native vegetation) within dedicated conservation areas. It remains unknown how bandicoot diet, including the diversity of hypogeal fungi, varies between these habitat types, yet this could have important conservation implications. Our study aimed to (i) compare the diet of I. o. obesulus at novel and remnant sites; and (ii) attain knowledge of hypogeal fungal diversity in these different contexts. We collected 133 bandicoot scats over 23 months and examined both broad diet composition and diversity of fungi consumed. Bandicoot diet differed between site types; in particular, ants were more prominent in scats from remnant sites, while millipedes and seeds were more prominent in scats from novel sites. All scats contained fungal spores, with hypogeal taxa comprising at least 35 of the 78 ‘morphotypes’ found at novel sites and 28 of the 59 detected at remnant sites. Fewer samples were collected at remnant sites, but they appeared to contain a greater richness of hypogeal fungi per scat. We did not detect any differences in fungal composition between site types. However, our sampling effort was insufficient to estimate true morphotype richness at either site type. Our study highlights the adaptable generalist diet of the southern brown bandicoot, as well as the likely under‐appreciated diversity of hypogeal fungi that can occur in highly modified, novel ecosystems.



了解如何在人类主导的景观中影响物种生态学的基本方面(如饮食)对于提供管理信息和保护生物多样性至关重要,尤其是在物种影响重要的生态系统功能的地方。挖掘,吞噬(食真菌)哺乳动物发挥了多种作用,包括散发hypogeal(“松露样”)真菌。濒临灭绝的噬菌体的南部棕色bandIsoodon obesulus obesulus:Peramelidae)持续存在于澳大利亚墨尔本东南部的郊区景观中,在这里既占据“新颖”的栖息地(沿路边,排水沟和铁路线的线性植被带)和“剩余”栖息地(较大的原生植被地带) )在专门的保护区内。在这些生境类型之间,土匪饮食(包括次生真菌的多样性)如何变化仍是未知的,但这可能具有重要的保护意义。我们的研究旨在(i)比较I. o。的饮食。es在新颖而残缺的地方;(ii)在这些不同情况下了解真菌的多样性。我们在23个月内收集了133头臭鼬粪便,检查了广泛的饮食组成和所食用真菌的多样性。不同部位类型的猴饮食有所不同;尤其是,蚂蚁在遗迹中的粪便中更为突出,而千足虫和种子在新遗址中的粪便中更为突出。所有的粪便都含有真菌孢子,在新的部位发现的78个“形态型”中,至少有35个属于杂种菌群,而在剩余的部位则发现了59个中的28个。在残余部位收集的样本较少,但每个粪便似乎含有更大的次生真菌。我们没有发现站点类型之间真菌组成的任何差异。然而,我们的抽样工作不足以估计两种地点类型的真正形态丰富度。我们的研究着重介绍了南部褐带猴的适应性强的普通饮食,以及在高度改良的新型生态系统中可能发生的低等真菌多样性被低估的情况。