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Variscan ultra‐high‐pressure eclogite in the Upper Allochthon of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (Bulgaria)
Terra Nova ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-17 , DOI: 10.1111/ter.12503
Svenja Trapp 1 , Marian Janák 2 , Kathrin Fassmer 1 , Nikolaus Froitzheim 1 , Carsten Münker 3 , Neven Georgiev 4

The Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (RMC) in Bulgaria has been established as a Mesozoic ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic province by findings of microdiamond in gneisses. Additionally, Variscan ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphism has been proposed for the Ograzhden/Vertiskos Unit in the Upper Allochthon of the RMC, based on findings of coesite, graphite pseudomorphs after diamond and indirect age constraints. We confirm ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphism of eclogites in this unit using thermobarometry, phase‐equilibrium modelling and the Variscan age of metamorphism using Lu–Hf garnet–whole‐rock dating. In Belica (southern Rila Mountains), kyanite‐ and phengite‐bearing eclogite enclosed in high‐grade gneisses records P‐T conditions of 3.0–3.5 GPa and 700–750°C. Lu–Hf dating of eclogite samples from Belica and Gega (Ograzhden Mountain), where coesite was found, yielded ages of 334.1 ± 1.8 and 334.0 ± 2.2 Ma, respectively, interpreted as the age of garnet growth during post‐collisional subduction of continental crust after closure of the Rheic Ocean.



通过发现片麻岩中的微金刚石,保加利亚的杜鹃花变质综合体(RMC)已被确定为中生代超高压变质省。此外,基于钴岩,金刚石和间接年龄限制后的石墨假晶型的发现,已为RMC上部异位层的Ograzhden / Vertiskos单元提出了Variscan超高压变质作用。我们使用热压法,相平衡模型和Lu-Hf石榴石-整岩年代法确定了榴辉岩的超高压变质作用。在Belica(里拉山脉南部),包裹在高级片麻岩中的蓝晶石和方铁矿榴辉岩记录的P-T条件为3.0-3.5 GPa和700-750°C。来自Belica和Gega(Ograzhden山)的榴辉岩样品的Lu-Hf定年,