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Corrigenda for Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1092: 265–278
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-16 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14516

Fertility Drugs and Gynecologic Cancer

Nikos Kanakas and Themis Mantzavinos

The authors recognize the presence of material from previously published papers that, although cited in the reference list, were inadvertently not cited by reference number in the text. The authors sincerely apologize for these omissions.

Listed below are passages not cited properly for Ref. 1 (below) but listed as Ref. 27 in the published paper.
  • page 265: Introduction
  • page 271: Last paragraph beginning with the sentence “The same paper showed that …”
Listed below are passages not cited properly for Ref. 2 (below) but listed as Ref. 15 in the published paper.
  • page 265: bottom of the page beginning with the sentence “Further increase in rates …”
  • page 266: second paragraph
  • page 267: first full paragraph beginning with “Epidemiological studies were …”
  • page 268: the first sentence and the fourth paragraph
  • page 269: the second half of the page, beginning with “Ovarian tumor risk …”
  • page 270: middle of the page beginning with “Granulosa cell tumors …” and ending with “… short follow‐up.”
  • page 271: the second complete paragraph and continuing for the next two paragraphs
  • page 272: the fourth and fifth paragraphs
  • page 273: the first two paragraphs of the Melanoma section
  • page 275: the fourth, fifth, and sixth paragraphs of the Conclusion section


安的勘误。纽约学院 科学 1092:265–278


Nikos Kanakas和Themis Mantzavinos


  • 第265页
  • 第271页:最后一段以句子“同一篇文章表明……”开头
  • 第265页:页面底部以句子“进一步提高价格……”开头
  • 页面266:第二段
  • 第267页:第一个完整段落以“流行病学研究……”开头
  • 页268:第一句和第四段
  • 第269页:页面的下半部分,以“卵巢肿瘤风险……”开头
  • 第270页:页面中间以“颗粒细胞瘤……”开始,以“……短期随访”结束。
  • 页面271:第二个完整段落,并继续接下来的两个段落
  • 页272:第四和第五段
  • 页273:黑色素瘤节的前两段
  • 页面275:结论部分的第四,第五和第六段