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Comparison of fouling characteristics between reverse electrodialysis (RED) and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO)
Desalination ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2020.114648
Jaehyun Ju , Yongjun Choi , Sangho Lee , Namjo Jeong

Abstract The generation of salinity gradient power (SGP) is a promising technique to extract energy from either seawater or reverse osmosis (RO) brine. There are two methods for harvesting SGP, including reverse electrodialysis (RED) and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO). Although they have been individually investigated, few works have been done to compare their fouling behaviors under similar conditions. Accordingly, this study intended to compare RED and PRO processes using various low salinity (LS) solutions and high salinity (HS) solutions in terms of power density and fouling potential. Experiments were carried out in bench-scale RED and PRO systems. Three types of LS solutions including deionized water (DW), wastewater (WW), and wastewater reverse osmosis brine (WB) and two types of HS solutions including seawater (SW) and seawater reverse osmosis brine (SB) were considered. The power density was measured under non-fouling (initial) and fouling conditions. Results indicated that the power density for the PRO was higher (1.09– 3.24 W/m2) than that for the RED (0– 1.66 W/m2) under the non-fouling condition. However, the loss of power density due to fouling was smaller in RED (0– 11.2%) than in PRO (14.2– 58.7%). The use of WB as the LS solution resulted in low power density in both RED process (


反电渗析 (RED) 和压力延迟渗透 (PRO) 结垢特性的比较

摘要 盐度梯度功率 (SGP) 的产生是一种从海水或反渗透 (RO) 盐水中提取能量的有前途的技术。有两种收集 SGP 的方法,包括反电渗析 (RED) 和压力延迟渗透 (PRO)。尽管对它们进行了单独研究,但很少有工作来比较它们在相似条件下的污垢行为。因此,本研究旨在比较使用各种低盐度 (LS) 解决方案和高盐度 (HS) 解决方案的 RED 和 PRO 工艺在功率密度和污染潜力方面。实验是在实验室规模的 RED 和 PRO 系统中进行的。三种 LS 解决方案,包括去离子水 (DW)、废水 (WW)、和废水反渗透盐水(WB)以及两种类型的HS溶液,包括海水(SW)和海水反渗透盐水(SB)。在不结垢(初始)和结垢条件下测量功率密度。结果表明,在无污染条件下,PRO 的功率密度(1.09-3.24 W/m2)高于 RED(0-1.66 W/m2)。然而,由于结垢导致的功率密度损失在 RED (0–11.2%) 中比在 PRO (14.2–58.7%) 中要小。使用 WB 作为 LS 解决方案导致两个 RED 工艺(由于结垢导致的功率密度损失在 RED (0–11.2%) 中比在 PRO (14.2–58.7%) 中要小。使用 WB 作为 LS 解决方案导致两个 RED 工艺(由于结垢导致的功率密度损失在 RED (0–11.2%) 中比在 PRO (14.2–58.7%) 中要小。使用 WB 作为 LS 解决方案导致两个 RED 工艺(