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Genotype identification and diversity analysis in Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) using RAPD markers
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.14.339358
Aarti Kamboj , Pushpa Kharb , Agrim Jhilta , Rakshita Singh

Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is a significant plantation crop belonging to family Actinidiaceae, having deciduous, dioecious, and scrambling vines with chromosome number 2n=58. Dioecy in kiwifruit forms the basis for several breeding programs. The present study was carried out for diversity analysis in kiwifruit genotypes using RAPD markers. 7 kiwifruit genotypes (2 males viz. Allision & Tomuri and 5 females viz. Hayward, Bruno, Allision, Monty & Abbott) were analysed for molecular polymorphism using 94 RAPD primers, out of which 23 primers amplified the genomic DNA in all the genotypes. RAPD data was analysed using NTSYS-pc software and dendrogram construction was done using UPGMA method. Two separate clusters of male and female genotypes were formed. Similarity matrix indices showed maximum similarity between Tomuri (M) and Allision (M) with a similarity coefficient of 0.719 while Abbott (F) and Allision (M) were found to have least similarity having a similarity coefficient of 0.521. Four RAPD primers amplified unique amplicons in Monty, Hayward, Bruno, Allision (M) and Abbott and two primers amplified unique amplicons in Allision (M) & Tomuri (M) along with the male and female plants of Allision genotype respectively. Therefore, these primers can help in distinguishing the genotypes of kiwifruit and can also be validated as putative markers for the sex identification in kiwifruit.



奇异果(Actinidia spp。)是猕猴桃科的一种重要人工林,有落叶,雌雄异株和争夺性的葡萄藤,染色体编号2n = 58。猕猴桃中的雌雄不育是几种育种计划的基础。本研究是利用RAPD标记对猕猴桃基因型进行多样性分析。使用94种RAPD引物分析了7个奇异果基因型(男性2个,分别为Allision&Tomuri和5个女性,分别为Hayward,Bruno,Allision,Monty和Abbott)的分子多态性,其中23个引物扩增了所有基因型的基因组DNA。使用NTSYS-pc软件分析RAPD数据,并使用UPGMA方法完成树状图的构建。形成了两个单独的男性和女性基因型簇。相似度矩阵索引显示Tomuri(M)和Allision(M)之间的最大相似度,相似系数为0.719,而Abbott(F)和Allision(M)的相似度最小,相似系数为0.521。四个RAPD引物分别扩增了Monty,Hayward,Bruno,Allision(M)和Abbott的独特扩增子,两个引物分别扩增了Allision(M)和Tomuri(M)的独特扩增子以及Allision基因型的雄性和雌性植物。因此,这些引物可以帮助区分猕猴桃的基因型,并且还可以被验证为用于猕猴桃性别鉴定的推定标记。Bruno,Allision(M)和Abbott以及两个引物分别扩增Allision(M)和Tomuri(M)的独特扩增子,以及Allision基因型的雄性和雌性植物。因此,这些引物可以帮助区分猕猴桃的基因型,并且还可以被验证为用于猕猴桃性别鉴定的推定标记。Bruno,Allision(M)和Abbott以及两条引物分别扩增Allision(M)和Tomuri(M)的独特扩增子以及Allision基因型的雄性和雌性植物。因此,这些引物可以帮助区分猕猴桃的基因型,并且还可以被验证为用于猕猴桃性别鉴定的推定标记。