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Killer whales are attracted to herring fishing vessels
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13481
E Mul 1 , MA Blanchet 1, 2 , BT McClintock 3 , WJ Grecian 4 , M Biuw 5 , A Rikardsen 1

ABSTRACT: Marine mammals and fisheries often target the same resources, which can lead to operational interactions. Potential consequences of operational interaction include entanglements and damaged or reduced catches but also enhanced foraging opportunities, which can attract marine mammals to fishing vessels. Responsible fisheries management therefore requires detailed knowledge of the impact of these interactions. In northern Norway, killer whales Orcinus orca are frequently observed in association with large herring aggregations during the winter. We use a combination of biotelemetry and fisheries data to study if, to what extent and at what distances killer whales are attracted to fishing activity. Twenty-five satellite transmitters were deployed on killer whales at herring overwintering and spawning grounds, often near fishing vessels. Over 50% of the killer whale core areas of high usage overlapped with the fisheries core areas, and individual whales spent up to 34% of their time close to active fishing. We used a 3-state hidden Markov model to assess whether killer whale movements were biased towards fishing activities. Of the overall whale movements, 15% (CI = 11-21%) were biased towards fishing activities, with marked heterogeneity among individuals (0-57%). During periods of active fishing, whale movements were biased towards fishing events 44% (CI = 24-66%) of the time, with individual percentages ranging from 0 to 79%. Whales were more likely to be attracted when they were within 20 km. This information can be used in fishery management to consider potential consequences for fishers and whales.



摘要:海洋哺乳动物和渔业通常以相同的资源为目标,这可能导致业务互动。业务互动的潜在后果包括纠缠和破坏或减少的渔获量,但也增加了觅食机会,这可能将海洋哺乳动物吸引到渔船上。因此,负责任的渔业管理需要详细了解这些相互作用的影响。在挪威北部,虎鲸Orcinus orca在冬季经常观察到与大型鲱鱼聚集有关的现象。我们结合了生物遥测和渔业数据,研究了虎鲸是否被捕捞到何种程度以及捕捞活动的距离。在鲱鱼越冬和产卵场上,经常在渔船附近,在虎鲸上部署了25个卫星发射机。高使用率的虎鲸核心区中有超过50%与渔业核心区重叠,而个别鲸鱼的活动时间高达34%接近活跃捕捞。我们使用了三态隐马尔可夫模型来评估逆戟鲸的运动是否偏向捕鱼活动。在总的鲸鱼运动中,有15%(CI = 11-21%)偏向于捕捞活动,个体之间存在明显的异质性(0-57%)。在积极捕鱼期间 鲸鱼运动有44%(CI = 24-66%)的时间偏向捕鱼事件,个人百分比范围从0到79%。距离鲸鱼20公里以内的地方,它们更容易被吸引。该信息可用于渔业管理,以考虑对渔民和鲸鱼的潜在后果。