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Sediment Connectivity: A Framework for Analyzing Coastal Sediment Transport Pathways
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.1029/2020jf005595
Stuart G. Pearson 1, 2 , Bram C. Prooijen 1 , Edwin P. L. Elias 2 , Sean Vitousek 3 , Zheng Bing Wang 1, 2

Connectivity provides a framework for analyzing coastal sediment transport pathways, building on conceptual advances in graph theory from other scientific disciplines. Connectivity schematizes sediment pathways as a directed graph (i.e., a set of nodes and links). This study presents a novel application of graph theory and connectivity metrics like modularity and centrality to coastal sediment dynamics, exemplified here using Ameland Inlet in the Netherlands. We divide the study site into geomorphic cells (i.e., nodes) and then quantify sediment transport between these cells (i.e., links) using a numerical model. The system of cells and fluxes between them is then schematized in a network described by an adjacency matrix. Network metrics like link density, asymmetry, and modularity quantify system‐wide connectivity. The degree, strength, and centrality of individual nodes identify key locations and pathways throughout the system. For instance, these metrics indicate that under strictly tidal forcing, sand originating near shore predominantly bypasses Ameland Inlet via the inlet channels, whereas sand on the deeper foreshore mainly bypasses the inlet via the outer delta shoals. Connectivity analysis can also inform practical management decisions about where to place sand nourishments, the fate of nourishment sand, or how to monitor locations vulnerable to perturbations. There are still open challenges associated with quantifying connectivity at varying space and time scales and the development of connectivity metrics specific to coastal systems. Nonetheless, connectivity provides a promising technique for predicting the response of our coasts to climate change and the human adaptations it provokes.



连通性基于其他科学学科在图论方面的概念性进步,为分析沿海沉积物输送路径提供了一个框架。连通性将沉积物路径示意为有向图(即,一组节点和链接)。这项研究提出了图论和连通性度量(例如模块性和中心性)在沿海沉积物动力学方面的新应用,此处以荷兰的Ameland Inlet为例。我们将研究地点划分为地貌单元(即节点),然后使用数值模型来量化这些单元(即链接)之间的沉积物传输。然后,在由邻接矩阵描述的网络中,对单元格及其之间的通量的系统进行图解说明。链路密度,不对称性和模块化等网络指标可量化系统范围的连接。程度,力量,各个节点的中心位置确定了整个系统的关键位置和路径。例如,这些度量标准表明,在严格的潮汐强迫作用下,近岸的沙子主要通过入口通道绕过阿默兰湾入口,而较深的前滨的沙子主要通过外三角洲滩绕过入口。连通性分析还可以为管理实践的决策提供依据,以决定在哪里放置沙粒养料,沙粒养分的命运或如何监视易受扰动的位置。在量化不同时空尺度下的连通性以及开发特定于沿海系统的连通性指标方面,仍然存在开放的挑战。尽管如此,