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Quaternary deformation and uplift of coral reef terraces produced by oblique subduction and underthrusting of the Bahama Platform below the northern Hispaniola forearc
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228631
Javier Escuder-Viruete , Aratz Beranoaguirre , Pablo Valverde-Vaquero , Frank McDermott

Abstract Active tectonics linked to the rise of the Hispaniola forearc explain the morphological characteristics, spatial distribution and U-Th geochronological ages of the uplifted coral reef terraces of the La Isabela Formation in both the eastern Cordillera Septentrional and the Samana Peninsula of northeastern Dominican Republic. Depositional coral reef terraces of MIS 5e (TII), 7e (TIII) and 9 (TIV) stages occur respectively at maximum heights of about 25 m, 80 m and 120 m above the current sea level. The development of heterogeneous brittle deformation structures in the coral limestone at all scales document active tectonics and include small faults, shear fractures, extensional joints and calcite veins. Their geometric and kinematic characteristics, as well as the stress tensors calculated from fault-slip and fracture orientation data, are all compatible with ENE to NE-trending regional shortening, and indicate that a left-lateral transpressive regime is deforming the forearc during the Quaternary. Along the northern Hispaniola coastline, the tectonic uplift mimics the distribution of the bathymetric features on the subducting Bahamas Platform, outboard the Hispaniola-Puerto Rico Trench. The highest calculated uplift rates in the eastern Cordillera Septentrional and Samana Peninsula correspond to the collision zone of the Silver Spur and Navidad Bank (≥0.4 m/ka), respectively. Uplift rates decrease towards the west (≤0.2 m/ka), where the oblique collision of carbonate ridges and related forearc deformation would not have been recorded since at least the Early Pleistocene. Oblique subduction and underthrusting of the Bahamas Platform followed by basal erosion at the subduction channel explain the observed time-transgressive pattern of uplift and subsidence in the northern Hispaniola forearc and the change from accretionary to erosive processes in the convergent margin.



摘要 与伊斯帕尼奥拉岛前弧隆起相关的活动构造解释了多米尼加共和国东北部科迪勒拉山脉东部和萨马纳半岛拉伊莎贝拉组隆起珊瑚礁阶地的形态特征、空间分布和 U-Th 年代学年龄。MIS 5e (TII)、7e (TIII) 和 9 (TIV) 阶段的沉积珊瑚礁阶地分别出现在当前海平面以上约 25 m、80 m 和 120 m 的最大高度处。珊瑚灰岩中各种尺度的非均质脆性变形结构的发展记录了活跃的构造,包括小断层、剪切断裂、伸展节理和方解石脉。它们的几何和运动学特征,以及根据断层滑动和裂缝方向数据计算的应力张量,都与 ENE 到 NE 趋势的区域缩短相容,并表明在第四纪左横向压机制正在使前弧变形。沿着伊斯帕尼奥拉岛北部海岸线,构造隆起模仿了伊斯帕尼奥拉岛-波多黎各海沟外侧俯冲巴哈马地台上的测深特征的分布。东科迪勒拉中脊和萨马纳半岛的最高抬升率分别对应于银马刺和纳维达银行的碰撞带(≥0.4 m/ka)。抬升率向西降低(≤0.2 m/ka),至少从早更新世开始,碳酸盐岩脊的倾斜碰撞和相关的弧前变形就不会被记录下来。