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Transforming labor requirement, crop yield, and profitability with precision dry-direct seeding of rice and integrated weed management in Eastern India
Field Crops Research ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107961
P Panneerselvam 1 , Virender Kumar 2 , Narayan Chandra Banik 3 , Vivek Kumar 3 , Nabakishore Parida 1 , Iftikar Wasim 1 , Aurovinda Das 4 , Sanghamitra Pattnaik 4 , Pravat Kumar Roul 4 , Dilip Ranjan Sarangi 5 , Pardeep K Sagwal 3 , Peter Craufurd 6 , Balwinder-Singh 1 , Ashok Yadav 3 , Ram K Malik 1 , Sudhanshu Singh 3 , Andrew J McDonald 7

Abstract In many parts of Eastern India that have a very high prevalence of rural poverty and food insecurity, the prevailing rice establishment practice of ‘beushening’ is characterized by low yields and modest profitability, while labor and energy inputs are high. Beushening consists of broadcasting ungerminated rice seed at high rates (>100 kg ha−1) prior to the onset of monsoon rain, followed by ploughing at 4–6 weeks after crop emergence to control weeds with subsequent manual gap filling through seedling redistribution to ensure stand uniformity. Dry-direct seeding of rice (DSR), both drill-DSR and precision broadcast-DSR in combination with integrated weed management (IWM) may offer a pathway for simultaneously reducing costs and markedly increasing productivity. On-farm trials were conducted from 2016 to 2018 in four districts of Odisha (Mayurbhanj, Cuttack, Bhadrak, and Puri) to evaluate the yield and economic performance of dry-DSR (drill and precision broadcast), coupled with herbicide-based IWM strategies, in comparison with conventional beushening. Drill-DSR with IWM increased grain yield by 1.7 t ha−1 in Mayurbhanj and 1.3 t ha−1 in Cuttack, but not in Bhadrak, compared to beushening. The combination of increased yield and lower variable cost in drill-DSR increased net benefit by 550, 395, and 166 US$ ha−1 in Mayurbhanj, Cuttack, and Bhadrak, respectively. For farmers without access to seed drills, precision broadcast-DSR with IWM increased yields by 0.91, 1.22 and 0.60 t ha−1, and net benefits by 270, 312, and 188 US$ ha−1 in Mayurbhanj, Puri, and Bhadrak, respectively. Among the IWM practices evaluated in dry-DSR, application of pretilachlor + safener @ 500 g ai ha−1 as pre-emergence, followed by bispyribac-sodium @ 20 g ai ha−1 at 15–25 days after sowing as post-emergence, and then one spot hand weeding at 30–35 days after sowing was effective in controlling weeds. These results suggest that rice yield gaps in eastern India can be reduced, and farmers’ income from rice can be increased by more than 50 % by replacing beushening with drill-DSR or precision broadcast-DSR. The results could be applicable to approximately 6.4 million ha of lowland rice where beushening is currently practiced in Eastern India.



摘要 在印度东部许多农村贫困和粮食不安全现象非常普遍的地区,盛行的“beushening”水稻种植实践的特点是产量低、盈利能力有限,而劳动力和能源投入高。Beushening 包括在季风降雨开始之前以高速率(>100 kg ha-1)播撒未发芽的水稻种子,然后在作物出苗后 4-6 周进行耕作以控制杂草,随后通过幼苗重新分配手动填补间隙以确保站立均匀。水稻旱作直播 (DSR)、钻播 DSR 和精准广播 DSR 与综合杂草管理 (IWM) 相结合,可以提供同时降低成本和显着提高生产力的途径。2016 年至 2018 年在奥里萨邦的四个地区(Mayurbhanj、Cuttack、Bhadrak 和 Puri)进行了农场试验,以评估干式 DSR(钻孔和精确广播)以及基于除草剂的 IWM 策略的产量和经济效益, 与传统的 beushening 相比。与 beushening 相比,带有 IWM 的 Drill-DSR 使 Mayurbhanj 的谷物产量增加了 1.7 t ha−1,Cuttack 增加了 1.3 t ha−1,但在 Bhadrak 则不然。在 Mayurbhanj、Cuttack 和 Bhadrak,Drill-DSR 增加产量和降低可变成本的结合分别使净收益增加了 550、395 和 166 美元 ha−1。对于无法获得条播机的农民,在 Mayurbhanj、Puri 和 Bhadrak,采用 IWM 的精确广播 DSR 将产量提高了 0.91、1.22 和 0.60 t ha-1,净收益提高了 270、312 和 188 美元 ha-1,分别。在干法 DSR 中评估的 IWM 实践中,在出苗前施用敌草胺 + 安全剂 @ 500 g ai ha-1,然后在播种后 15-25 天施用双嘧啶钠 @ 20 g ai ha-1 作为出苗后,然后在播种后 30-35 天进行 1 点手工除草,可有效控制杂草。这些结果表明,通过用钻孔-DSR或精确广播-DSR代替beushening,可以减少印度东部的水稻产量差距,农民的水稻收入可以增加50%以上。结果可能适用于大约 640 万公顷的低地水稻,目前在印度东部进行了beushening。然后在播种后30-35天进行一点手工除草,可有效控制杂草。这些结果表明,通过用钻孔-DSR或精确广播-DSR代替beushening,可以减少印度东部的水稻产量差距,农民的水稻收入可以增加50%以上。结果可能适用于大约 640 万公顷的低地水稻,目前在印度东部进行了beushening。然后在播种后30-35天进行一点手工除草,可有效控制杂草。这些结果表明,通过用钻孔-DSR或精确广播-DSR代替beushening,可以减少印度东部的水稻产量差距,农民的水稻收入可以增加50%以上。结果可能适用于大约 640 万公顷的低地水稻,目前在印度东部进行了beushening。