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The osteohistology of new remains of Pararhabdodon isonensis sheds light into the life history and paleoecology of this enigmatic European lambeosaurine dinosaur
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104677
Jesús F. Serrano , Albert G. Sellés , Bernat Vila , Àngel Galobart , Albert Prieto-Márquez

Abstract Pararhabdodon isonensis was the first species of lambeosaurine hadrosaurid described in Europe and is one of the last non-avian dinosaurs that lived before the K-Pg extinction. Yet, its relationship with other Ibero-Armorican lambeosaurines has remained controversial due to the lack of overlapping diagnostic material among taxa. Newfound hindlimb materials reveal a unique character for the species that reinforces its distinction from other European lambeosaurines and its postulated close relationship with Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus. P. isonensis becomes restricted to the upper Maastrichtian Talarn Formation. Our osteohistological analysis indicates that Pararhabdodon isonensis probably reached adult body sizes comparable to those of other Ibero-Armorican lambeosaurines and nearing the body sizes of North American and Asian taxa. Its histomorphology indicates a relatively low growth rate, suggesting the achievement of larger body sizes over longer time periods, perhaps facilitated by a relatively low predation pressure. Unlike coeval dinosaurian clades of the Late Cretaceous European Archipelago, P. isonensis and at least some of the other Ibero-Armorican lambeosaurines that reached similarly large body sizes, like Adynomosaurus arcanus, represent exceptions to the ‘island rule’.


Pararhabdodon isonensis 新遗骸的骨组织学揭示了这种神秘的欧洲兰贝龙恐龙的生活史和古生态学

摘要 Pararhabdodon isonensis 是第一个在欧洲被描述的羔龙科鸭嘴龙科物种,也是 K-Pg 灭绝之前最后生存的非鸟类恐龙之一。然而,由于分类群之间缺乏重叠的诊断材料,它与其他伊比利亚-阿莫里克兰伯龙的关系仍然存在争议。新发现的后肢材料揭示了该物种的独特特征,加强了它与其他欧洲兰伯龙的区别,以及它与棘齿龙的假定密切关系。P. isonensis 仅限于上马斯特里赫特塔兰组。我们的骨组织学分析表明,Pararhabdodon isonensis 的成年体型可能与其他伊比利亚-阿莫里克兰贝龙亚目相当,并接近北美和亚洲分类群的体型。它的组织形态学表明其增长率相对较低,这表明在更长的时间内实现了更大的体型,这可能是由于相对较低的捕食压力所致。与晚白垩世欧洲群岛的同时代恐龙进化枝不同,P. isonensis 和至少其他一些达到类似大体型的伊比利亚-阿莫里克兰贝龙,如奥氏腺龙,代表了“岛屿规则”的例外。