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Rescaling of applied oscillating voltages in small Josephson junctions
Journal of Physics Communications ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/abbba5
Godwill Mbiti Kanyolo , Shimada Hiroshi

The standard theory of dynamical Coulomb blockade [ P ( E ) theory] in ultra-small tunnel junctions has been formulated on the basis of phase-phase correlations by several authors. It was recently extended by several experimental and theoretical works to account for novel features such as electromagnetic environment-based renormalization effects. Despite this progress, aspects of the theory remain elusive especially in the case of linear arrays. Here, we apply path integral formalism to re-derive the Cooper-pair current and the BCS quasi-particle current in single small Josephson junctions and extend it to include long Josephson junction arrays as effective single junctions. We consider renormalization effects of applied oscillating voltages due to the impedance environment of a single junction as well as its implication to the array. As is the case in the single junction, we find that the amplitude of applied oscillating electromagnetic fields is renormalized by the s...


