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Achieving Message-Encapsulated Leveled FHE for IoT Privacy Protection
Mobile Information Systems Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8862920
Weiping Ouyang 1 , Chunguang Ma 1, 2 , Guoyin Zhang 1 , Keming Diao 1

The rapid development of the Internet of Things has made the issue of privacy protection even more concerning. Privacy protection has affected the large-scale application of the Internet of Things. Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a newly emerging public key encryption scheme, which can be used to prevent information leakage. It allows performing arbitrary algebraic operations on data which are encrypted, such that the operation performed on the ciphertext is directly transformed into the corresponding plaintext. Recently, overwhelming majority of FHE schemes are confined to single-bit encryption, whereas how to achieve a multibit FHE scheme is still an open problem. This problem is partially (rather than fully) solved by Hiromasa-Abe-Okamoto (PKC′15), who proposed a packed message FHE scheme which only supports decryption in a bit-by-bit manner. Followed by that, Li-Ma-Morais-Du (Inscrypt′16) proposed a multibit FHE scheme which can decrypt the ciphertext at one time, but their scheme is based on dual LWE assumption. Armed with the abovementioned two schemes, in this paper, we propose an efficient packed message FHE that supports the decryption in two ways: single-bit decryption and one-time decryption.


