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A Novel Approach Integrating Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming for Chickpea Cultivar Selection under Stress Conditions
Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.3390/pr8101288
Ilknur Karacan , Ozlem Senvar , Ozlem Arslan , Yasemin Ekmekçi , Serol Bulkan

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a quite high nutrient and widespread legume that is consumed globally. Similar to many plants, chickpea is sensitive to environmental stresses. The major goal of the breeders is to achieve the most tolerant cultivars. This study aims to determine the tolerance level of chickpea cultivars against cold and drought stresses. The cultivars in the scope of this study are the ones that are officially identified and grown in Turkey. Ranking alternatives according to multiple criteria is difficult and requires a systematic approach. Thus, a coherent multi criteria decision making (MCDM) methodology is proposed in order to ease the ranking process. The methodology includes integration of intuitionistic fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (IF-AHP) with group decision making (GDM) and goal programming (GP). This integration presents a robust ranking according to criteria that are appraised by talented experts. Applying the methodology to the data, results in the order of chickpea cultivars with regard to their cumulative tolerance to cold and drought stresses. Diyar 95 spearheads this list with its utmost performance. The main contribution of this study is the proposition of the powerful MCDM approach with systematic procedure for the ranking process of cultivars. The proposed methodology has a generic structure that can be applied to various stress problems for different plants.



鹰嘴豆(Cicer arietinumL.)是一种营养很高的豆类,在全球范围内广泛食用。与许多植物相似,鹰嘴豆对环境压力敏感。育种者的主要目标是获得最宽容的品种。本研究旨在确定鹰嘴豆品种对寒冷和干旱胁迫的耐受水平。本研究范围内的品种是在土耳其正式鉴定和种植的品种。根据多个标准对备选方案进行排名很困难,并且需要系统的方法。因此,提出了一种连贯的多准则决策(MCDM)方法,以简化排名过程。该方法包括将直觉性模糊分析层次过程(IF-AHP)与小组决策(GDM)和目标规划(GP)集成在一起。根据有才能的专家评估的标准,该集成提供了可靠的排名。将方法学应用于数据,就鹰嘴豆品种对寒冷和干旱胁迫的累积耐受性而言,其顺序为。Diyar 95以其最高的性能位居榜首。这项研究的主要贡献是提出了功能强大的MCDM方法,并为品种的排名过程提供了系统化的程序。所提出的方法具有可以应用于不同植物的各种胁迫问题的通用结构。这项研究的主要贡献是提出了功能强大的MCDM方法,并为品种的排名过程提供了系统化的程序。所提出的方法具有可以应用于不同植物的各种胁迫问题的通用结构。这项研究的主要贡献是提出了功能强大的MCDM方法,并为品种的排名过程提供了系统化的程序。所提出的方法具有可以应用于不同植物的各种胁迫问题的通用结构。