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The Effect of Stochasticity of Waves on Coastal Flood and Its Variations with Sea-level Rise
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse8100798
Déborah Idier , Rodrigo Pedreros , Jérémy Rohmer , Gonéri Le Cozannet

Coastal floods are driven by many hydro-meteorological forcing factors, among which are mean sea levels, tides, atmospheric storm surges, and waves. Depending on these conditions, wave overtopping may occur and, in some cases, lead to a significant flood. In the present study, we investigate the effect of the stochastic character of waves on the flood itself using a phase-resolving wave model (SWASH). We focus on the macro-tidal site of Gâvres (France), consider two past flood events (both resulting from wave overtopping), and investigate how the effect of randomness of waves on the flood is changing with the forcing conditions and the time span (minutes to hours). We clearly show that the effect of waves’ stochasticity on the flood itself is far from being negligible and, especially on a short time scale (~15 min), generates an uncertainty comparable to that induced by the sea-level rise scenarios, as long as the still water level remains smaller than the critical level above which overflow occurs. This implies that lower confidence should be assigned to flood projection on sites where wave overtopping is the main process leading to flood.


