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Price transmission with sparse market information: The case of United States chickpeas
Agribusiness ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1002/agr.21672
Patrick L. Hatzenbuehler 1 , Xiaoxue Du 2 , Kathleen Painter 3

In this paper, supply-related and price data for several chickpea importing regions and supply-related data for export competitor countries were encompassed into price transmission models to determine whether such factors are helpful for explaining the United States chickpea price variation. Specifically, the models included satellite-based normalized difference vegetation index, a measure of growing conditions, and area planted estimates for importing regions of the Indian subcontinent and the Mediterranean, and area planted estimates for exporting competitors, Australia and Canada. Results show that inclusion of supply-related information improved goodness of fit statistics in all models relative to base models that only include prices, providing evidence that such information is important for explaining United States chickpea price changes. The models with the highest goodness of fit statistics were those that accounted for (1) deteriorating growing conditions in the Mediterranean region coinciding with declining area planted in Canada and (2) concurrently deteriorating growing conditions and declining area planted in the Indian subcontinent. [EconLit citations: Q11, Q17]



本文将几个鹰嘴豆进口地区的供应相关数据和价格数据以及出口竞争国家的供应相关数据纳入价格传递模型,以确定这些因素是否有助于解释美国鹰嘴豆价格的变化。具体而言,这些模型包括基于卫星的归一化差异植被指数、生长条件的测量、印度次大陆和地中海进口地区的种植面积估计,以及出口竞争对手澳大利亚和加拿大的种植面积估计。结果表明,与仅包含价格的基本模型相比,包含供应相关信息提高了所有模型中拟合统计的优度,提供了此类信息对于解释美国鹰嘴豆价格变化很重要的证据。拟合优度统计数据最高的模型是那些考虑到 (1) 地中海地区生长条件恶化与加拿大种植面积下降和 (2) 同时印度次大陆种植条件恶化和种植面积下降的模型。[EconLit 引文:Q11、Q17]