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Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann (Diptera: Calliphoridae) colonising poisoned rabbit carcasses
Entomological Research ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1111/1748-5967.12483
Ashraf Mashaly 1 , Mohammed Al‐Khalifa 2 , Abdullah Al‐Qahtni 2

Chrysomia albiceps Wiedemann (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is one of the first insects to colonise human and animal carrion and thus one of the most important insects in forensic entomology. Since the presence of these blow flies have been reported in most of the provinces in Saudi Arabia, we analyse the succession patterns of C. albiceps on decomposing rabbit carcasses injected with heroin or administered orally with alcoholic beverages. Samples of flies from the carcasses of heroin or alcohol‐treated and untreated rabbits were obtained for 15 days post mortem. A total of 1,297 and 1,426 flies were attracted to rabbit carcasses during the heroin and alcohol tests, respectively. The blow flies appeared in different developmental instars (larvae, pupae and adults), and at all stages of decomposition. Administration of higher concentrations of heroin or higher amounts of alcohol were generally associated with an increase in the number of blow flies drawn to rabbit carcasses (P < 0.05). The highest number of blow flies were attracted during the decay stage of decomposition, and the lowest during the fresh stage. In the case of medicolegal investigation, when C. albiceps used as a forensic indicator, it is recommended that the impact of heroin or alcoholic beverages on the succession patterns be considered.


Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann(双翅目:Calliphoridae)定殖中毒的兔子尸体

Chrysomia albiceps Wiedemann(双翅目:Calliphoridae)是最早定殖人类和动物腐肉的昆虫之一,因此是法医昆虫学中最重要的昆虫之一。由于在沙特阿拉伯的大多数省份都报告了这些苍蝇的存在,我们分析了白头肌在分解注射海洛因或口服酒精饮料的兔子尸体时的演替模式。从海洛因或酒精处理过和未处理过的兔子尸体上采集苍蝇样本,持续 15 天。在海洛因和酒精测试期间,分别有 1,297 和 1,426 只苍蝇被兔子尸体吸引。苍蝇出现在不同的发育龄期(幼虫、蛹和成虫),并处于分解的所有阶段。施用更高浓度的海洛因或更高量的酒精通常与被吸入兔子尸体的苍蝇数量增加有关(P < 0.05)。在腐烂的腐烂阶段吸引的苍蝇数量最多,在新鲜阶段吸引的数量最少。在法医调查的情况下,当白头肌作为法医指标时,建议考虑海洛因或酒精饮料对继承模式的影响。