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Accessibility Data Set for Large Permanent Cold Traps at the Lunar Poles
Earth and Space Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1029/2020ea001291
Kevin M. Cannon 1, 2 , Daniel T. Britt 3

Many large cold traps exist at both lunar poles where temperatures never exceed 110 K annually, allowing the preservation of water ice. Much has been learned about these regions from orbital measurements, but in situ access is needed to truly understand the abundance, distribution, texture, and chemistry of volatiles that might be present in the regolith. We systematically studied the accessibility of the larger cold traps to wheeled vehicles from nearby staging areas. We calculated minimum energy routes for 20 north pole cold traps and 39 south pole cold traps >50 km2 in area. At each, accessibility metrics were determined for paths into and out of the cold trap and for round trip paths that return to the same location. We found that 55 of the 59 cold traps are readily accessible without exceeding 25° slopes. Smaller cold traps are generally more accessible than larger ones, with certain exceptions. The accessibility data set is presented graphically, in tabular form, and as ArcGIS shapefiles, all of which can be used to inform site selection and mission planning for future scientific and resource‐focused activities.



两个月球极都存在许多大型的冷阱,它们的温度每年都不超过11​​0 K,因此可以保存水冰。从轨道测量中已经学到了很多有关这些区域的知识,但是需要就地访问才能真正了解重石块中可能存在的挥发物的丰度,分布,质地和化学性质。我们系统地研究了大型冷阱从附近的登台区域到轮式车辆的可及性。我们计算了20个北极冷阱和39个> 50 km 2的南极冷阱的最小能量路线在地区。在每个位置,都确定了进出冷阱的路径以及返回相同位置的往返路径的可访问性度量。我们发现,在不超过25°的斜率的情况下,容易接近59个冷阱中的55个。除某些例外,较小的冷阱通常比较大的冷阱更容易接近。可访问性数据集以图表形式以表格形式以ArcGIS形状文件的形式呈现,所有这些都可用于为将来的科学活动和以资源为中心的活动提供选址信息和任务规划信息。