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Population estimates of non-native rose-ringed parakeets Psittacula krameri (Scopoli, 1769) in the Durban Metropole, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa
Urban Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11252-020-01066-3
Tinyiko C. Shivambu , Ndivhuwo Shivambu , Colleen T. Downs

Rose-ringed parakeets Psittacula krameri are one of the most widely distributed urban avian invader species present in ~ 35 countries with population sizes increasing. These parakeets were introduced to South Africa as part of the pet trade, and feral populations have established in several urban areas since and are of concern. We, therefore, conducted monthly surveys between August 2018 – December 2019 in the greater Durban Metropole, KwaZulu-Natal Province, to determine their population size and roosting sites. In addition, we recorded bird species that communally roosted with rose-ringed parakeets, and tree species characteristics that they used for roosting. We identified five main roost site areas with an overall mean (± SD) monthly population size of 1 783.3 ± 505.2 rose-ringed parakeets. There was an increase in rose-ringed parakeet numbers, particularly in August and December after their breeding. Most rose-ringed parakeets were recorded in the north, with fewer in the south of the metropole; and many were located around shopping centres and parks. A total of seven bird species communally shared roost sites with rose-ringed parakeets, with the non-native common myna Acridotheres tristis being the species that frequently shared roosts with parakeets. Three tree species were used as roosts, with the Natal mahogany Trichilia emetica and the giant palm Raphia australis, so being the preferred roost tree species. The results showed variations in the measured tree traits and the number of individual parakeets roosting per tree species. The population size of non-native rose-ringed parakeets showed persistent growth, and it is, therefore, suggested that control measures for this species are introduced before its population expands further.


南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省德班大都会的非本地玫瑰戒指鹦鹉Psittacula krameri(Scopoli,1769)的种群估计

玫瑰环鹦鹉Psittacula krameri是约35个国家/地区中分布最广的城市鸟类入侵物种之一,种群数量在不断增加。这些长尾小鹦鹉是作为宠物贸易的一部分传入南非的,此后,在一些城市地区建立了野生种群,并引起人们的关注。因此,我们于2018年8月至2019年12月在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省大德班都市地区进行了每月调查,以确定其人口规模和栖息地。此外,我们记录了栖息在玫瑰环长尾小鹦鹉上共同栖息的鸟类物种,以及用于栖息的树木物种特征。我们确定了五个主要栖息地区域,月平均总人口数为1 783.3±505.2玫瑰环鹦鹉。玫瑰环鹦鹉的数量增加了,特别是在繁殖后的八月和十二月。大多数玫瑰环鹦鹉都记录在北部,而在大都市的南部则较少。许多都位于购物中心和公园附近。共有七个鸟类与玫瑰环鹦鹉共同栖息在栖息地,非本地常见八哥rid虫是经常与长尾小鹦鹉共享栖所的物种。三种树种被用作树种,其中纳塔尔桃花心木(Etalta)桃花心木和南方大叶楠(Raphia australis)是首选树种。结果表明,测得的树木性状和每棵树上栖息的单个鹦鹉的数量有所不同。非本地玫瑰环长尾小鹦鹉的种群数量显示出持续增长的趋势,因此,建议在该种群进一步扩大之前采取控制措施。
