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Shifts in coral clonality along a gradient of disturbance: insights on reproduction and dispersal of Pocillopora acuta
Marine Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-020-03777-9
Andrew F. Torres , Zac H. Forsman , Rachel Ravago-Gotanco

Pocillopora acuta, formerly synonymized with P. damicornis, is an ecologically important reef-building coral that exhibits mixed reproductive modes, geographic variation in clonality, and conflicting reports of population genetic structure. Using 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci, this study examined clonality, genetic differentiation, and connectivity of genetically identified P. acuta (n = 428) in the Bolinao–Anda Reef Complex (BARC), Philippines, characterized by varying levels of wave exposure. Estimates of clonal richness indicate that the populations are largely derived from asexual reproduction, more likely via dispersal of ameiotic larvae. Clonal richness, population density, and mean colony size vary with wave exposure, suggesting the potential influence of local-scale disturbance on clonality, reproductive mode, and population structure. Populations in low-energy environments were characterized by greater colony density, larger colonies, and a greater proportion of clones compared to high-energy environments. Despite evidence for realized clonal dispersal of P. acuta extending up to 22 km, significant genetic differentiation among BARC populations reveals restricted gene flow at small spatial scales. Moreover, genetic differentiation is more pronounced when considering the spatial distribution of clones (FST including clones = 0.059; FST excluding clones = 0.028), suggesting that (1) asexually produced propagules are likely retained locally and across-site settlement is not as common; and (2) sexually derived propagules may have broader scales of dispersal. This study reexamines the population genetics of this often-problematic coral and underlines the importance of contextualizing site and species biology in designing or enhancing management towards the maintenance of functional genetic diversity and pathways of connectivity among populations.


珊瑚克隆性随扰动梯度的变化:对 Pocillopora acuta 繁殖和扩散的见解

Pocillopora acuta,以前与 P. damicornis 同义,是一种具有重要生态意义的造礁珊瑚,表现出混合繁殖模式、克隆性的地理变异以及种群遗传结构的相互矛盾的报告。本研究使用 16 个多态性微卫星位点,检测了菲律宾博利瑙-安达礁群 (BARC) 中遗传鉴定的 P. acuta (n = 428) 的克隆性、遗传分化和连通性,其特征是不同程度的波浪暴露。对克隆丰富度的估计表明,种群主要来自无性繁殖,更可能是通过无减数分裂幼虫的传播。克隆丰富度、种群密度和平均菌落大小随波暴露而变化,表明局部尺度干扰对克隆性、繁殖方式和种群结构的潜在影响。与高能量环境相比,低能量环境中的种群具有更高的菌落密度、更大的菌落和更大比例的克隆。尽管有证据表明 P. acuta 的克隆传播范围长达 22 公里,但 BARC 种群之间的显着遗传分化表明,在小空间尺度上基因流受到限制。此外,当考虑克隆的空间分布时,遗传分化更加明显(包括克隆的 FST = 0.059;不包括克隆的 FST = 0.028),表明(1)无性产生的繁殖体可能在本地保留,跨站沉降不常见;(2) 有性繁殖体可能有更广泛的传播范围。