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Gravitating Bubbles of Gluon Plasma above Deconfinement Temperature
Symmetry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.3390/sym12101668
Yves Brihaye , Fabien Buisseret

The equation of state of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory can be modelled by an effective $Z_3-$symmetric potential $V(\vert\phi\vert,\phi^3+\phi^{3*}, T)$ depending on the temperature $T$ and on a scalar field $\phi$ -- the averaged Polyakov loop. Allowing $\phi$ to be dynamical opens the way to the study of spatially localized classical configurations of the Polyakov loop. We first show that spherically symmetric static Q-balls exist in the range $(1-1.21)\times T_c$, $T_c$ being the deconfinement temperature. Then we argue that Q-holes solutions, if any are unphysical within our framework. Finally we couple the Polyakov-loop Lagrangian to Einstein gravity and show that spherically symmetric static boson stars exist in the same range of temperature. The Q-ball and boson star solutions we find can be interpreted as "bubbles" of deconfined gluonic matter; their mean radius is always smaller than 10 fm.



SU(3) Yang-Mills 理论的状态方程可以用有效的 $Z_3-$对称势 $V(\vert\phi\vert,\phi^3+\phi^{3*}, T) 建模$ 取决于温度 $T$ 和标量场 $\phi$ - 平均 Polyakov 循环。允许 $\phi$ 是动态的,为研究 Polyakov 环的空间局部经典配置开辟了道路。我们首先表明球对称静态 Q 球存在于 $(1-1.21)\times T_c$ 范围内,$T_c$ 是解除限制温度。然后我们认为 Q-holes 解决方案(如果有的话)在我们的框架内是非物理的。最后,我们将波利亚科夫环拉格朗日量与爱因斯坦引力耦合,并表明球对称静态玻色子星存在于相同的温度范围内。我们发现的 Q-ball 和 boson star 解可以解释为“气泡” 去限制的胶子物质;它们的平均半径总是小于 10 fm。