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Impact of Yeast-Derived β-Glucans on the Porcine Gut Microbiota and Immune System in Early Life
Microorganisms ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8101573
Hugo de Vries , Mirelle Geervliet , Christine A. Jansen , Victor P. M. G. Rutten , Hubèrt van Hees , Natalie Groothuis , Jerry M. Wells , Huub F. J. Savelkoul , Edwin Tijhaar , Hauke Smidt

Piglets are susceptible to infections in early life and around weaning due to rapid environmental and dietary changes. A compelling target to improve pig health in early life is diet, as it constitutes a pivotal determinant of gut microbial colonization and maturation of the host’s immune system. In the present study, we investigated how supplementation of yeast-derived β-glucans affects the gut microbiota and immune function pre- and post-weaning, and how these complex systems develop over time. From day two after birth until two weeks after weaning, piglets received yeast-derived β-glucans or a control treatment orally and were subsequently vaccinated against Salmonella Typhimurium. Faeces, digesta, blood, and tissue samples were collected to study gut microbiota composition and immune function. Overall, yeast-derived β-glucans did not affect the vaccination response, and only modest effects on faecal microbiota composition and immune parameters were observed, primarily before weaning. This study demonstrates that the pre-weaning period offers a ‘window of opportunity’ to alter the gut microbiota and immune system through diet. However, the observed changes were modest, and any long-lasting effects of yeast-derived β-glucans remain to be elucidated.



由于快速的环境和饮食变化,仔猪在生命的早期和断奶期容易受到感染。改善猪的早期健康状况的一个令人信服的目标是饮食,因为它是肠道微生物定植和宿主免疫系统成熟的关键决定因素。在本研究中,我们调查了补充酵母衍生的β-葡聚糖如何对断奶前后断奶后肠道菌群和免疫功能的影响,以及这些复杂系统如何随着时间而发展。从出生后第二天到断奶后两周,仔猪口服酵母衍生的β-葡聚糖或进行对照治疗,随后接种沙门氏菌疫苗鼠伤寒 收集粪便,消化物,血液和组织样本以研究肠道菌群组成和免疫功能。总体而言,酵母来源的β-葡聚糖不影响疫苗接种反应,并且仅在断奶前才观察到对粪便微生物群组成和免疫参数的适度影响。这项研究表明,断奶前期为通过饮食改变肠道菌群和免疫系统提供了“机会之窗”。然而,观察到的变化是适度的,并且酵母来源的β-葡聚糖的任何持久作用仍有待阐明。