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How much, why and where? Deadwood in forest ecosystems: The case of Poland
Ecological Indicators ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107027
Leszek Bujoczek , Małgorzata Bujoczek , Stanisław Zięba

In forest management policy, deadwood is regarded as an indicator of sustainable forest management. Dead trees are a key habitat feature for a wide range of organisms. In this study, data from a regular network of nearly 30,000 sample plots (the National Forest Inventory) distributed throughout Poland were used to determine relationships between deadwood volume and thirteen selected natural and human-related factors: forest ownership, protection type, inclusion in the Natura 2000 network, terrain, slope gradient, site fertility, site moisture (water abundance), dominant species, age of the dominant species, stand volume, tree and shrub density, sapling and shrub cover, and stand damage. Analysis of data on deadwood volume was carried out in two steps: univariate analysis was used to determine present-day differences among forests, while a logistic regression model was applied to identify the factors that had the greatest impact on deadwood volume variability on the studied plots. Despite interference from numerous random effects that are difficult to capture and quantify, being often associated with disturbances and differences between the silvicultural approaches of individual forest managers, many of the analyzed factors were found to exert a significant influence. Strong relationships were identified mostly in managed forests (private, municipality-owned, and those managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding). In national parks and nature reserves, the identified effects were less pronounced due to the fact that the examined plots differed in terms of protection type and duration and may have been impacted by different natural disturbances. Indeed, deadwood volume was significantly affected by protection type, with much more deadwood found in strictly protected areas as compared to forests under active protection. Inclusion in Natura 2000 had only a slight effect. On the other hand, a major role was played by difficult terrain accessibility, which impeded silvicultural treatments. More deadwood occurred in the mountains, with increasing slope gradient positively affecting deadwood volume, but only up to a certain point. On the steepest slopes deadwood volume decreased due to the soil and wood sliding to a lower level. Deadwood volume was significantly greater on more fertile and moist sites. In managed forests, both stand age and growing stock volume were positively associated with deadwood accumulation. The species composition of stands, mostly attributable to habitat conditions, was also relevant. The present work identified some significant differences in deadwood volume between stands, and the findings may be useful in developing future management practices with a view to supporting biodiversity.



在森林管理政策中,枯木被视为可持续森林管理的指标。枯树是众多生物的重要生境特征。在这项研究中,使用了来自分布在波兰的近30,000个样地的常规网络(国家森林清单)中的数据,以确定枯木量与13种选定的自然和人为因素之间的关系:森林所有权,保护类型,是否包括在森林中。 Natura 2000网络,地形,坡度,站点肥力,站点湿度(水丰度),优势种,优势种的年龄,林分体积,树木和灌木密度,树苗和灌木覆盖以及林分破坏。枯木量数据的分析分为两个步骤:单变量分析用于确定森林之间的当前差异,而逻辑回归模型用于确定对研究地块中的沉木体积可变性影响最大的因素。尽管受到难以捕获和量化的众多随机效应的干扰,并且常常与单个森林经营者的造林方法之间的干扰和差异相关联,但发现许多分析因素都产生了重大影响。牢固的关系主要存在于被管理的森林中(私有,市政府拥有以及由国家森林国家森林控股公司管理的森林)。在国家公园和自然保护区中,由于所检查的样地的保护类型和持续时间不同,并且可能已受到不同自然干扰的影响,因此所确定的影响不太明显。确实,死木量受保护类型的影响很大,与受到积极保护的森林相比,在严格保护区发现的死木要多得多。Natura 2000中的包容仅产生很小的影响。另一方面,困难的地形可及性阻碍了营林措施的发展。山区出现了更多的枯木,坡度的增加对枯木量产生了积极影响,但仅在一定程度上起作用。在最陡的山坡上,由于土壤和木材滑动到较低的水平,枯木的体积减少了。在肥沃和潮湿的地方,枯木的体积明显更大。在人工林中,林分年限和蓄积量的增加与枯木积累成正相关。林分的物种组成,主要归因于栖息地条件,也很重要 目前的工作发现了林分之间的枯木量存在一些显着差异,这些发现可能有助于制定未来的管理实践,以支持生物多样性。
